Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. R

    Character  Raio Qualta, The Orphan of Selvaris

    RAIO QUALTA Music Badge and gun - Sunglasses Kid Aliases Queue Birthplace Selvaris Age Mid-Teens Species Kiffar (Ancestrally) Languages Galactic Basic Gender Male Height 5'6" Weight 144lbs Force Sensitivity Yes; Midi-chlorian Count: 13,253 Faction New Jedi Order|Galactic...
  2. Ran Serys

    Approved Location  The Jedi Enclave on Selvaris

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a hidden Jedi Enclave that is an escape from the wars and descent of a harsh galaxy. One that will be built up organically from a small village enclave to a true temple of the force. Image Credit: Image 1 Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links...
  3. Ran Serys

    Private  Green, The Lot of Them!

    Ran led the way into the Enclave's surrounding jungles. She aimed for a certain secluded spot where the two could train in peace without disturbing some of the more reserved and disciplined Jedi. Not that Ran and present company, Orion Pavond, couldn't be disciplined, but he was a fellow known...
  4. Ran Serys

    Character  Ran Serys, The Blade of Selvaris

    RAN SERYS Music Pini di Roma, P. 141: III. I pini del Gianicolo Voice Claudia Black Aliases Subject 19 Birthplace Mirial Age Mid 30's Species Mirialan/Mutative Experiment Languages Multilingual Gender Female Height 6'4" Weight 164lbs Force Sensitivity Yes; Midi-chlorian...
  5. Ran Serys

    Faction  [NJO/JJE] A Song of Selvaris | Jedi Enclave on Selvaris

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... A contingent of Jedi, led by the Jedi Knight Ran Serys, have arrived at the edge of Alliance space on a mission to build the Order’s newest Enclave. Gifted with visions of what the Enclave could be, Ran has traveled herself and invited along many...
  6. Ran Serys

    LFG  [NJO/JJE] Jedi Enclave on Selvaris

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Ran Serys, Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order, has stepped foot on the planet Selvaris. She's laid her eyes on it's potential and has been gifted with visions through the force that have shown her what this backwater planet can become. Determined to...
  7. Lossa Aureus

    First Reply  Pastime of a Rogue Padawan I

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Selvaris, Abandoned Jungle Temple Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby Tools...
  8. Formerly Spirit of Valor

    Dominion  Hollow Shell-varis | GA Dominion of Empty Hex North of Selvaris

    HOLLOW SHELL-VARIS GA DOMINION OF SELVARIS Once the launchpoint of invasion into the core by the Brotherhood of the Maw, Slevaris now lies in shambles. Its people have been rendered homeless, crowded into refugee camps, and its wildlands still churn with the twisted darkside creations that...
  9. Spirit of Patience

    Invasion  Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal

    GATES OF DAWN The Galactic Alliance will liberate the Brotherhood of the Maw-held Shihon and Oyokal // START: JANUARY 13 - END: JANUARY 27 // THIS INVASION WILL PAVE THE WAY FOR THE FINAL BATTLE OF THE SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR ON EXEGOL. Valiens Nantaris fa-play fa-pause THE...
  10. S

    Junction  An Eye for an Eye | GA + MAW Junction of Selvaris and Copero

    An Eye for An Eye A Second Great Hyperspace War Story "The flame of war is an insatiable beast." Water sleeps, but enemies never rest. The friction on the Maw-Alliance border saw a slow as both sides licked their wounds following the battles on Jedha and Andrathorpe. But it didn’t take long...
  11. Reverance

    When a thousand souls descend upon you.

    “It was our final stirring, to herald the finality of our silence. And all was fine.” Selvaris once stood as one of the many jewels of the One Sith crown. Overwhelmed and conquered during the Netherworld event, the world was thrown into disarray as legions of Yuuzhan Vong descended upon its...
  12. Vrag

    Some say the world will end in fire...

    ... and so do we! You are cordially invited to participate, watch, or otherwise enjoy the final chapter of a plot long in the making. Bear in mind that Selvaris, at this time – or at any other – is no leisurely stroll. You may or may not be beset by beasts which include, but are not limited...
  13. Yurzhoc Shai

    Approved Species  Gramutek - The World Devastator

    Initial Budding Phase (just after deployment) Mature Phase Name: Gramutek Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Selvaris Language: Mental Linking Average height of adults: 80 meters tall Skin color: Brown, red, or black Hair color: None Breathes: Type I, II, or III...
  14. Reverance

    Approved Species  Qorih'kralt

    Source Name: Qorih'kralt Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Selvaris Language: None Average height of adults: 2 Meters Skin color: Brown Hair color: White, occurs sparsely on head, shoulders, and chest Breathes: Type I and II Strengths: [+] Fast and Agile: Despite it's large...
  15. Dr. Alset Niest

    Chazarillo - Yuuzhan Vong Cigarra

    Source Name: Chazarillo, Batrachochytrium vostralis Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Selvaris Language: None Average height of adults: 0.1524 meters Skin color: Pale white in adolescence, turns brown and tan at the point of 'adulthood' Hair color: Translucent, derivative from...
  16. Vrag

    A Case of Crabs [PM for invite]

    They say that murderers like to return to the scene of the crime, often for the twisted enjoyment that revisiting the destruction they've caused brings them. Whoever 'they' is, apparently they are correct, or at least correct in the case of one armored Knight. Blue eyes surveyed the changed...
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