Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Das

    Faction  BREAKING NEWS: Groundquakes on Etti IV [Code Zero]

    (Post Soundtrack: "Desolate Views" by Pawel Blaszczak) fa-play fa-pause On the city-world of Etti IV, life is always moving up. Every few years, another level is added to the top while those at the bottom are left to decay and fall into disrepair. It's been centuries since Etti's surface has...
  2. Cassus Akovin

    Faction  Sea, Sand, and Shadowrun [Darkwire Reunion]

    Cargo Container Pool across from Port Pub on Samhain's Derelict. In orbit near Denon... Momentum. Cassus exerted himself, pushing harder, working faster, and gasping for more air. But then, he collided with the other end of the cargo container, and all momentum was lost in the impact. As he...
  3. Reggie

    Character  Reggie Creel

    Music Blast Doors Aliases REDACTED Class Smuggler Flagship Gambit (HWK-290 light freighter) Birthplace Coronet City, Corellia Age 30s Personality Traits Brave Ambitious Cynical Education Traits Charismatic Negotiator Elusive Shadow Skilled Tactician Lifestyle Traits Whole of Body...
  4. Tanith Ishtara

    Character  Tanith Ishtara

    I S H T A R A . N A M E Tanith Ishtara . A L I A S Tani / Ish / Tara . S P E C I E S Human . H O M E W O R L D Coruscant . F A C T I O N Darkwire . R A N K Shadowrunner . A G E 24 . G E N D E R Female . H E I G H T 5'9" . W E I G H T 160lbs . F O R C E...
  5. Darkwire Shadow

    Faction  Aftermath: Tonight the Tap Pours Blue

    Far beneath the surface of Denon and the penthouse apartments and green filled gardens that make it up, sits a bar. Though its walls are old and the paint is chipped and faded. Though lines run from the corners where the rain, just faintly acidic at this depth, has eaten away at the paint...
  6. Darkwire Prophet

    Contract  CryptNet Mission Terminal

    >> * --xING! COMM\ \\ <\ATTN ALL DARKWIRE SHADOWRUNNERS AND CONTRACTORS <\We have heard your voices <\It is time to strike back <\There are new jobs to be had <\Many of our contacts want the same thing we do <\Some even want it badly enough to pay <\There is always work for those willing <\But...
  7. Daiya

    Faction Ad  Rise Up! | Darkwire Campaign on the Corpos of Denon, Belazura, Devaron, Frego & Parcellus Minor

    Make your own fortune in DARKWIRE! DISCORD F.A.Q.
  8. Spark

    Character  Spark

    Spark Birthplace[Redacted] Age[Unknown]: Believed to be in his early to mid 20s RankShadowrunner FactionDarkwire ResidenceDenon Species[Suspected]: Human GenderMale Force SensitiveNo Height6'1" Weight150lbs Hair Color[Unknown] Eye Color[Unknown] Red mask lenses Skin...
  9. Subject 6: Cassander Solimar

    Character  Subject 6: The Shadowrunner

    NAME: Subject 6 ALIASES: Cassander Solimar The Shadowrunner FACTION: The Family Shadow Hand Cartel First Order Security Bureau (formerly) RANK: Associate Seneschal SPECIES: Human (Augmented) AGE: 75 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'11" WEIGHT: 140 lbs. EYES: Blue HAIR: Black SKIN: Fair FORCE...
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