Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Demias Shamalain

    Character  Demias Shamalain

    NAME: Demias Shamalain, AKA Qrow, AKA Mos Mortis, AKA Darth Vega, AKA Demi FACTION: Unaffiliated RANK: Lord of Space Dust SPECIES: Perceived Human AGE: Adultish SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'3'' WEIGHT: 180lbs EYES: Naturally blue, corrupted piss yellow HAIR: Naturally black, corrupted white at the front...
  2. Jake Daniels

    Reforging a Broken Sword

    The unit of eight men approached the Honoghr Manor. Through the rugged Honoghrian Jungle, the lead held up a closed fist as he pulled a small device from his front breast pocket. Looking over what appeared to be an overview schematic of the the home and region around it, his eyes focused on a...
  3. R

    Character  The Marquis, Romano 'Lear' Shamalain

    (Ramiel) Lear Shamalain Identification ALIASES:Yeusef Le'boursier - Anton 'Quick Trigger' Nash AGE: 32 POSITION:Marquis of both House Shamalain and Daniels - Freelance Master - Gunslinger for Hire - Five Card Gambler HOME WORLD:Honoghr- Living in solitude within the confines of the main...
  4. R

    Character  Ramiel Daniels

    FULL NAME: Ramiel Daniels MORTAL AGE: 47 TRUE AGE: 47 SPECIES: Human (Magically Infused) TITLES: Archduke of Dantella IV Warlock of the Daniels Patriarch of House Daniels LINEAGE: House Daniels - Noble bloodline dating back centuries in southern continents of Dantella IV ANCESTRY...
  5. A

    Character  Arne Daniels

    NAME: Arne Daniels ALIAS: Unknown FACTION: Unaffiliated RANK: Knight SPECIES: Human AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'4" WEIGHT: 220 lbs EYES: Icy Blue HAIR: Sandy Blonde SKIN: Arne has a light skin complexion. Unlike his father is not easily sunburnt. FORCE SENSITIVE: Arne is force sensitive...
  6. R

    Private  Be Careful What You Seek

    To say that an heir of the Shamalain lineage hated the planet of Dantooine would have been a drastic understatement. For as long as he could remember Romano held outright contempt for the planet; the home of his father Jake Daniels. No the young man did not hate his father; he hated where his...
  7. Rune Shamalain

    Rune Shamalain

    NAME: Rune Merucio Shamalain FACTION: N/A RANK: Force Master SPECIES: Appears human AGE: Young adult SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'5'' WEIGHT: 225lbs EYES: Pale blue HAIR: Platinum blond, long, straight. SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FAMILY: Mother: Cerusia Shamalain Father: Darth Immortus Sister...
  8. Jake Daniels

    Adrift in a Melancholy Flood

    Location: Uncharted Planet Time: Dusk Concurrent with They’ll All Need a Coin for the Ferryman The settlement was surrounded on all sides by crudely constructed concrete walls. The walls were supported on the inside by two layers. Just inside the walls was a meter thick row of compact earth...
  9. R

    Romano Shamalain

    BIO UNDER RECONSTRUCTION (Romano) Lear Shamalain 'You may call me Lear. Only family calls me Romano.' Faction: Unaffiliated ~ Rank: Knight ~ Force Sensitivity: Yes Family: [~] Grandmother - Lady Silencia [~] Mother - Cerusia Shamalain [~] Father - Jake Daniels [~] Brother - Rune Shamalain...
  10. Jake Daniels

    The Gravity of Silence

    .::.The Gravity of Silence.::. It had started when he had awoken. Awoken to a galaxy that was so different, so changed. Nothing he remembered still existed. Old Empires had fallen. From their ashes new Kingdoms had risen. While Gravis simply slumbered in a cryotube on Dantooine, the galaxy...
  11. Cameron Centurion

    Paenitemus Meum

    Amorella Shamalain's Apartment Byblos The lock to the front door clicked open once the requisite code was entered into the keypad just to the right of the door frame. Light from the corridor spilled into the otherwise dark apartment, casting Cameron's large, motionless silhouette across the...
  12. Ereza

    Imka Larue

  13. Lucianus Adair

    Eordahn Shamalain [Greyhide]

    G R E Y H I D E NAME: Eordahn Issantir Shamalain, AKA "Greyhide" FACTION: N/A RANK: Master SPECIES: K'paur / Garhoon / Negligible Human AGE: Adult SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'4" WEIGHT: 176lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Black SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes PLAYBY: Ben Barnes F A M I L Y Mother: Desdemona...
  14. Blackthorne

    Dahldesa Shamalain [Blackthorne]

    B L A C K T H O R N E NAME: Dahldesa Aeridne Shamalain AKA "Blackthorne" FACTION: Unaffiliated RANK: Master SPECIES: Kpaur / Garhan / Negligible Human AGE: Adult SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'10'' WEIGHT: 170lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Black SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes F A M I L Y Mother...
  15. Jake Daniels

    Sins of My Past (open)

    'Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment for extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial for extraordinary graces.' Denon, a city world similar to Coruscant. The planet resided in the heart of enemy territory, among a collection of planets controlled red arsed baboons. Why...
  16. Jake Daniels

    The Eternal Oath

    The Eternal Oath 'It's not the Oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the Oath.' The sound of creaking was heard from an wicker chair that slowly rocked back and forth. The air was hot, it was humid, and to most it may have been nearly unbearable to deal with. What else was one...
  17. Cerusia Shamalain

    Cerusia Shamalain

    NAME: Cerusia Rorifaera Shamalain | Lady Reticea | Rorifaera FACTION: - RANK: Master SPECIES: Garhan / Human AGE: 423 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'9'' WEIGHT: 145lbs EYES: Rose-violet HAIR: Rich brown with red chrome. SKIN: Fair, unblemished. FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  18. Micah Talith

    Dad said Demonsgate ain't too bad [ The Covenant ]

    Former Moross Crusade Territories Demonsgate System Demonsgate The Rising Tide Demonsgate, also known as NCW-86, was a planet in the Outer Rim's Kathol Rift, near Yvara. From space the planet often appeared to be engulfed in flames due to the volcanic activity bleeding ionized particles into...
  19. Micah Talith

    Approved Tech  No more flyaways Hair Pins!

    Image Source: Pinterest Intent: To Create an interesting and basic artifact for the women and girls in his life. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Micah | MARROW & ILLSKINS Model: Hair clip Affiliation: Micah Talith | To those he gives them to. Modularity: Yes -- You can Bedazzle it I guess...
  20. Micah Talith

    Approved Tech  Covenant Rings

    Image Source: Pinterest Intent: To Create an interesting and basic artifact for Covenant members to wear. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Micah Model: Covenant Ring Affiliation: Micah Talith Modularity: Yes Production: Limited - Very limited Distribution (With a list!) Material: Alchemized...
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