Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Annika Starfire

    First Reply  Madame Raithe's Curio Shop

    Location: on a planet in the core Objective: Buy props Tags: The purple haired teen walked through the shop, with its windows blackened, the lights down low and the smell of incense in the air, its didn't just look, really felt the part too. The shelves were lined with carved curious, charms...
  2. Adeline Noctua

    Artist  The crypt (The one-stop shop for all things vampiric)

    The one-stop shop for all things vampiric and gothic! Anything under the "free to use" sections is of course all yours to use, anything that isn't will be labeled as "personal" ♥ All requests are to be DM'd to "Jackal" pls and ty ♥
  3. Sergeant Omen

    Private  A Mad Bull In A Junk Shop

    Location: In front of Hilal's Junk Shop, Kestri Omen hopped out of a land speeder along with two armed associates, glancing at the storefront before him. So this is where the little blue-haired terror is hiding... The Clone had tracked down where the Kajir named Hilal did business. He knew...
  4. Khairam Tal

    Private  Mod Shop Melody

    TAG: Dedata | Celty Ree LOCATION: Artistic Express Body Parlour, Coruscant It had been almost a week since the incident. Kenth Hoan stared incredulously at the neon-streaked building before him. It felt too mundane for the sort of place affiliated with a crime syndicate. Perhaps that was the...
  5. Viz Harridan

    Public  "The Hovel" Scrap Shop

    The Hovel Scrap Shop "You know what you need. We probably have it" ️ Visit the Humble Hermit, and get the job done.️ Have you ever needed someone to do the dirty work for you? Whether its a quick fix or something more nefarious, we've got you covered. Some Services Include: Droid...
  6. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Approved Location  Artistic Expression (Tattoo and body piercing parlour || Cybernetics Mod shop)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for my business Image Credit: X X Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Artistic Expression Classification: Tattoo and body piercing parlour || Cybernetics Mod shop Location: Coruscant...
  7. Ijaat Mereel

    Private  Dire Luck

    Location: Gardius, in Aurelian City at the personal forge of Ijaat Mereel Like some ancient mural, Ijaat stood stripped of his armor, working the controls of the forge. An apron, long discarded in the heat, sat to the side over an armless chair of battered durasteel, long since mostly stripped...
  8. Vanya Aklin

    Artist  Vanya's One Stop Graphics Shop

    Quick Guide to Vanya's Art <3 AVATARS SIGNATURES RANK BARS PROFILE ART Someone told me to make one of these threads so I'm finally getting around to doing it. I'm slowly starting to fill it with pretty things as I make them. You're more than welcome to ask/request something if you like my art...
  9. HK-36

    Metal Lords Industries

    Showcase for goods manufactured by the Metal Lords Faction-Manufactured Armor Starships and Stations Droids and Drones Vehicles Owned by HK-36, Tier 3 Company Armor Construction Materials Droids Gadgets Mounts/Pets (Along with an option for a safari in...
  10. Dissero

    Approved Location  GLF Inc. | Marrow & Illskins | Annaj Shop

    = M A R R O W & I L L S K I N S = Annaj - Ikkermill Swamp Store Source: Unknown. Found on Name: Marrow & Illskins Alchemy Shop | Annaj Store Location Image Source: - Classification: Artifacts & Alchemy Supplies Shop Location: Planet - Annaj. Southern hemisphere. Ikkermill...
  11. Dissero

    Approved NPC  GLF Inc. | Marrow & Illskins | Mandalore Shop Owner Adi'vak Ioren

    = A D I ' V A K = I O R E N = Alor Ioren | Owner of the Ioren Beskar Mines Image Source: DrawCrowd artist Wild Byun Name: Adi'vak Renlor Ioren ["Renly" to his family] Loyalties: Mandalorian Clans, Clan Ioren, GLF Inc Role: Adi'vak Ioren is an integral part to the establishment of the...
  12. Kyber Salurra

    Approved NPC  =x= Kyber's Repair Shop Employees =x=

    (( OOC: I plan on Applying to have a Structure which will be a repair shop, and I thought it'd be best to fill out the employee's NPC App’s first. This is also my first ever application like this and I didn’t want to overload any backstory or anything so some of it might seem forcefully...
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