Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Moskvin

    Approved Armor  Shroud of the Witch

    Imag Source: XX DESCRIPTION Deep in the dank, cold dungeons of her lab known as The Hollow, the Sith Witch took a simple black gothic outfit stitched together from Dathomiri spider silk and Umbraspider silk and weaving her dark magic to alchemize it. The main component of the outfit is the...
  2. Ysennia Lee

    Approved Tech  AIL-97 CRD | Shroud Device

    SPECIAL FEATURES This is a one-of-a-kind technology designed to scan mundane objects around the craft's environment, creating a camouflage field around the craft to resemble objects in its vicinity. Photoreactive fibers are also part of the shroud. The fibers' purpose is light absorption. This...
  3. Aiden Porte

    Private  Lifting the Shroud

    Coruscant Jedi Temple Jannik Morlandt The darkness had not been defeated yet. Nor would it ever he felt. His father had fought it his entire life, that's been over fifty years. He learned like his father did that the only way to get through the darkness was by one's own light. And the light...
  4. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Melee Weapon  "Shroud" Connel's shortsaber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an emergency shortsaber for Connel Vanagor Image Source: Source Canon Link: Lightsabers Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsabers, "Percipience" PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Connel Vanagor Affiliation: Connel Vanagor Model...
  5. Valin Zenth

    Approved Tech  FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

    SPECIAL FEATURES Heat Radiator Shroud: Prevents overheating by dissipating heat through integrated cooling fins or vents. Compensator: Reduces muzzle rise by redirecting gases. Suppressor: Minimizes noise and muzzle flash by trapping and releasing gases slowly. Blaster Sight: Enhances aiming...
  6. Ali Kare

    Work In Progress  Stealthesium

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a material for sensor deflection armor/sprays/etc. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  7. Agatha Io

    Approved Tech  Medical Shroud

    Intent: To sub a Unique Light Armor Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Light Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Open-Market Model: LA-113...
  8. Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra

    Red Shroud Security

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Link, could not find better source than pinterest Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Red Shroud Security Solutions Headquarters: (Where is the corporation based? CEC is based out of Corellia, KDY is from...
  9. V

    Character  Vidarr Enen - Harbinger of the Shroud

    Name: Vidarr Enen Other name(s): V , E , Dread , Viddy Ranks and Titles: Knight of the Shroud Species: Humanoid (Presumably Miralukan, or near species) Race: N/A Tanned Age: 24 Faction: Wardens of the Shroud Birthworld: Nelvaan Homeworld: Kalidan Occupation: Scout / Warden Allegiance: Eternal...
  10. M

    Approved NPC  The Shroud

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit Mrurh'en'lase's mental personification of the Dark Side that has infected her since birth. Please note that this is not an NPC that can directly interact with any PC on the site. It is only within Hel's mind. Image Credit: N/A Role: Mrurh'en'lase's...
  11. Nyx N1X3

    Approved Tech  NX Shroud Mk I

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An infiltration and disguise tool for Confederacy Intelligence Command Agents. Image Source: ObscureBelts Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: SW Wiki - Multispectrum Disguise Suite SW Wiki - Disguise Kit PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  12. Malicar

    Approved Lore  The Shroud - Black Sun Intelligence Organization

    Image credit is HERE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The intent of The Shroud is to provide a sect within Black Sun for PCs to be a part of and to explain how Black Sun manages to be way ahead of the game in terms of information Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A ​Links: CEID, Eclipse...
  13. GhostOfProtocol

    Approved Tech  The Pendant of Shroud

    Image Source: Intent: Personal Alchemised Pendant for Darth Novus Development Thread: Manufacturer: Darth Novus Model: N/A...
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