Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vulgarion

    Character  Tribune Vulgarion | Sith-Imperial Militant

    V U L G A R I O N Character art by SmolAsianArtist "Darkside Alliance" emblem by Aeruhl Name Vulgarion Callsign Maalraas Voice Jul 'Mdama Theme Barrett's Privateers Class Military Tribune Homeworld Mataou Personality Traits Broken Weary Anti-villain Wargear "Judicator"...
  2. Credit Wizard

    Approved Tech  Sith-Imperial K1-Series War Bonds

    Sith-Imperial K1-Series War Bonds OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make updated Sith-Imperial War Bonds for the Sith Order Image Source: Modified IGBC flag Symbol taken from Faction Art and Bling Top Picture from Dark Council Canon Link: War bonds, Alliance War Bonds, Republic Bond...
  3. V

    Character  Vinci Carmaad |:| Sith-Imperial Banker |:|

    『V』『i』『n』『c』『i』 『C』『a』『r』『m』『a』『a』『d』 NAME: Vinci Carmaad TITLE: The Shady Investor from Utapau SPECIES: Pau'an AGE: 350 Galactic Standard Years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 7'7" WEIGHT: 195 Ibs EYES: Black HAIR: None SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: No FACTION: The Sith Order SUBFACTION'S: The Kainate...
  4. Darth Athora

    Work In Progress  Sith-Imperial Ministry of Laws and Justice

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the organization being built by Darth Athora under the Sith Empire. Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if...
  5. Thaelius

    Approved Starship  SIEC-BC06 "Absolution" Class Star Battlecarrier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a big bruiser for the Sith-Imperial Armada; To begin a phase of modernization and augmentation of the Sith-Armada Image Source: (x), Artstation Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: Not Applicable Primary Source: Me - Autarch Khonsu Amon - A...
  6. K

    Character  Moon Seo-Yun

    Full Name: Moon Seo-Yun Social Information Personal Information Physical Information Education Information and Skill Training Historical Information Combat Information
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Approved NPC  First Sith-Imperial Assault Army, Tip of the Empire's Spear

    "The tip of the Empire's spear, no greater honor!" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an elite vanguard unit for TSE Image Credit: Click - Natthan Hansen Role: Elite Vanguard Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: First Sith-Imperial Assault Army, Tip of the Empire's Spear...
  8. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  Sith-Imperial TIE Interceptor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standardized Interceptor for the Sith Empire Image Source: Click - Shoguneagle / AdamKop Canon Link: TIE Interceptor Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers / Santhe...
  9. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  Sith-Imperial TIE Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a new standardized starfighter for the Sith Empire Image Source: Click - Shoguneagle / AdamKop Canon Link: TIE Fighter Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers / Santhe...
  10. Darth Carnifex

    Approved NPC  Lord Admiral Omarest Croscal [Resubmission]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Update an older NPC submission ​Image Credit: Click Role: Lord Admiral of the Sith Ascendancy Starfleet Links: Original NPC Submission PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 47 Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User Species: Human [Tetan] Appearance: Croscal is a man who...
  11. Darth Carnifex

    COMPSOR is looking for able-bodied and dedicated NFUs to join it's ranks!

    COMPSOR Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order The Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order (COMPSOR) was created shortly after the establishment of the New Sith Empire in the Core Worlds by the One Sith and their Dark Lord. Like it’s ancient predecessor COMPNOR, it was...
  12. Darth Carnifex

    Approved NPC  Rear-Admiral Omarest Croscal

    Name: Rear-Admiral Omarest Croscal Loyalties: Rear-Admiral Croscal's central loyalty lies with the Empire, and the overarching ideals of Imperialism. While not a big fan of the Sith, he understands their usefulness in the ongoing war against the Republic whose democratic ideals he spurns. Role...
  13. Darth Carnifex

    Approved NPC  Blackblade Guardsmen

    Intent: Update and modernize the Blackblade Guard Submission to replace all previous Blackblade submissions Image Credit: Click - Wookieepedia (Edited by Carnifex) Click - Amionna@DeviantArt (Edited by Carnifex) Click - Brian Hagan (Edited by Carnifex) Skull & Spear Symbol Made By Fiolette...
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