Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sith training

  1. Darth Solipsis

    Private  Dawn Is Coming

    DARK LORD OF THE SITH | VOICE OF THE MAW Jem Gaelor Exegol The Sith Sovereign Protectors swarmed in, relentlessly pursuing Jem Gaelor with baneful fury. Blows thrown by each side saw what the ferocity of combat could do when one trained in such dark paths, in ways full of such reckless...
  2. Kesran Opadal

    Complete my Training, plz

    Hello folks, I have been so focused on wrapping up some of my subs, that I forgot to work on my main guy. He is a very talented and gifted Sith Acolyte, with insane amounts of potential. Has received some training from his previous two masters, but they sort of vanished, so someone needs to...
  3. Kainan Wolfe

    First Steps Into Darkness

    Attn: [member="Amethyst Atreides"] Cargo Hold Aboard the Exigent, in orbit of Nelvaan The massive metal behemoth drifted lazily above the icy world of Nelvaan, below it. It was a ten thousand meter engine of war, the hammer of the Confederacy and the heart of Sword Armada, which sailed in...
  4. Ellie Mors

    Mind over Matter

    [member="Mala Arar"] Nar Shaddaa Criminal haven, cesspool of the damned, Nar Shaddaa was exactly what most of the galactic community as a whole typically tended to avoid. Even as a Sith lord with almost nothing to lose, Nar Shaddaa was one of those places that Silara would have generally gone...
  5. Ellie Mors

    A Cold Depravity

    [member="Darth Haze"] Hills of Hoth It had been nearly three decades since Silara had last stepped foot on Hoth. The last time around she had been hunting for a Dark Jedi that had spread rumors - lies - that he was the father of her eldest child, long before she had been a Sith lord or even...
  6. Ellie Mors

    The Den of Iniquity

    [member="Damien Storm"] Naga Sadow's Citadel, Khar Shian Khar Shian was the icy, barren, moon of Khar Delba and site of the abandoned citadel of the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith, Naga Sadow. While Silara no longer possessed the holocron of the Sith pureblood, she did occupy his citadel as her...
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