Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Coren Starchaser

    Faction  Shepherds of the Stars (Warden of the Sky Mastering of Okkeus)

    It was a once in a lifetime event. The Purgills were moving, and their whole movement sent a trigger and a warning to those in the galaxy who knew enough to listen. Something big was happening. Word was spreading through the right channels in the galaxy, the Wardens Cant was passing the message...
  2. Jocelyn

    Approved Tech  Sky Skimmers - Toys

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a combo Hover / Roller skates that utilize repulsorlift technology for enhanced mobility and service as toys for the Star Bazaar: Emporium of Everything, providing fun for all ages. Image Source: Image Source / Credit: Midjourney Canon Link...
  3. C

    Private  Can We Pretend that Airplanes in the Night Sky are like Shootin' Stars

    Location: Castell - The Solar Badger Tavern Objective: Work Tags: Rik Perris The tavern was shabby but comfortable. It catered mostly to the factory workers coming off long shifts or getting ready to head in to even longer ones. It was loud and jubilant because on this planet there really...
  4. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  The Sky Turned Black

    Where there was a chair to sit by desk he ignored. Where there were couches laid about to entertain guests he ignored. Even the finely made and shining floors likely would have made the far more suitable place to sit and think, yet they with everything else went ignored. There was no time to...
  5. Nelliel Kryze

    Private  Of Sea and Sky

    fa-play fa-pause MNV-52 'Beviin' Class Space Superiority Fighter | Location | Hefi, Planetside | Objective | Try not to crash and burn Nelliel flipped a few switches as her Beviin slipped out of hyperspace as it made its way to the surface of Hefi that lay within Enclave space. Following the...
  6. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  The Sky Temple

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Chris Ostrowski ATArts ATArts "Bedroom" Jaime Jones Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Heart of Electrum Gods and Monsters A Taste of the Good Life SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Sky Temple...
  7. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Sky Goddess Raiment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dress for Rhiannon Dinn. Image Source: Siwoo Kim (edited by me) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rhiannon Dinn Affiliation: Rhiannon Dinn Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A...
  8. Caltin Vanagor

    Approved Starship  Jedi Defender Corvette for Sky

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To take a classic design and create a custom Light Corvette for the Jedi across the universe. Image Source: Canon Link: Defender Class Light Corvette Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Defender Class Light Corvette...
  9. Hild Valor

    Approved Tech  Dominion of Shadow's EtS (Eye In The Sky)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a chain of satellites for gathering information, and weather, population and traffic control Image Source: Here Canon Link: Interdiction Fields, DTX detector satellite and Holonet Comsat Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  10. K

    Private  When The Sky Is Starless

    Partner never showed
  11. A

    Character  Amazin Sky (WIP)

    Amazin Sky Full Name Amazin TBD Sky Pronunciation Am-Ah-Zen Sk-Eye Alias N/A Age Early Teens Rank Jedi Padawan Faction Jedi Birthplace Hoth Species Hapan/Human Gender Female Force Sensitive Yes Height 5"3 Weight Slender Hair Color Blond Eye Color Blue Skin Color...
  12. Salazar Niminen

    Work In Progress  Mimban "Silver Sky" G-Leadership Academy

    Silver Sky OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a starfighter academy for training the officer cadets of the Silver Jedi Defence Force's Starfighter Corps. Image Credit: Scenic View: ArtStation Base Hangar: ArtStation Emergency Hangar: ArtStation Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links...
  13. I

    Private  Taken By The Sky (Jax)

    Location: Vulpter - Alliance Base camp Originally an unspoiled world with a wide array of flora and fauna, Vulpter was transformed over the millennia into a massively polluted globe covered in waste and factories. This meant that the planet was unable to sustain itself in terms of agriculture...
  14. Srina Talon

    Private  From the Sky

    R O O N Dressed In: Plain Country Gear Tag: Caen San Tekka fa-play fa-pause _________________________________________________________ She went back to where it began. Roon was the first time she had seen a Nether-Rift open and close in the blink of an eye. From the depths of the unknown one...
  15. Jacen Nimdok

    Approved Location  Sky Harbor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a starport. Image Credit: Jonas Hassibi Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Chaldea SETTING INFORMATION Spaceport Name: Sky Harbor; aka the Nezamiyeh Starport Location: Nezamiyeh, Chaldea Affiliation: Chaldean Potentium Classification: Stellar...
  16. Alcuin Rhunn

    Character  Garlar Ca'tra - Sky Iron

    GARLAR CA'TRA NAME: Garlar Ca'tra FACTION: The Death Watch Crusade RANK: TBD SPECIES: Human AGE: 35 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'5" WEIGHT: 170 lbs EYES: Brown(natural), Steel Grey(augmetic) HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: Dark Olive FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS: Ace Pilot: From a speeder bike to a war...
  17. B

    Character  Braiden Casper Sky

  18. Kahlil Noble

    Welcome to Kashyyyk

    Kashyyyk; Jedi Temple Midday Kahlil was, for all intents and purposes, still a padawan of the Jedi Order. Being a Sith Knight didn't translate him into a the same rank with the Jedi after all. So when it was his turn to train someone else, it always came at a surprise. This was another of...
  19. Jan VonFowl

    Safe In Talaos City (Skylar, Julian)

    Makeb. Jan had fond memories of Makeb, back from the time before the Ravens had dwindled into the same kind of trash as every other criminal organization in the galaxy. Riding the Fowlmobile down the elevator of an airhook to blast a Hutt and his cronies out of the water, the parties afterwards...
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