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Reign has been in A LOT of big stuff lately, I’m hoping to supplement that with more personal stories. Get some more nitty gritty in with him.
He’s open to pretty much anything.
Fight Jedi? Fight Sith?
Work with either??
High society event?
All the things.
Let’s write!
Intent: To provide the Lilaste Order with a cutting-edge, highly modular shield system for infantry, vehicles, and starships.
Image Source: [Custom Image Placeholder]
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Lilaste Order exclusive
Primary Source: N/A
I've been very sick lately and working a ton of hours. I'm not making very good choices and I think it's because I'm having trouble thinking clearly due to lack of sleep / sickness. I feel really down and out lately and a lot of things I've put thought and effort in to feel like they don't...
Image Source : Midjourney AI
She had to buy vials for her clinical trials; the vial contains an active remedy to treat the Yuuzhan vong virus from the outer rim.
Effective & Consumable: This vial contains a highly potent antidote capable of completely...
Gergana Slavcheva
Better and tighter grip for the user
Enhanced cutting and deflection
Fusion Shunt
Pressure Grip
Interchangeable lens : Ossus dueling lens, Adegan lens & Dragite lens
EMP and basic scanner/sensors Resistant
Phobium Emitter
2 hidden small button which...
Intent: Personal weapon for Lisandro Kantor
Image Source: Gergana Slavcheva
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Lisandro Kantor
Affiliation: Lisandro Kantor
Market Status: (Closed-Market)
Model: N/A
I'm currently running a young force sensitive, Mirialan character. I was hoping to better acclimate to Chaos and all of the stories by throwing in a character with a minimal story so there is room to grow with a group! He currently is on Bonadan, left open to be available to be picked up by any...
While we let the New 2024 mandates settle we've adjusted or removed a few of the old ones.
Current Mandate Link
Lucky Looter Removed (It had its time in the sun but...Farewell, fine friend.)
Collateral Damage Removed (Folded into Annihilation Victory Rules)
Wookiee Forces
Mandalorian-Trandoshan Alliance
Drego Ruus Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Todblaz Graker Balun Vale Ruus Kote
Jan Beroya Adenn Munin Sarrogg Ha'rangir Kes Stag Domina Prime Milena the Piece
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in pursuing this story, that I had...
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
The moment Voli placed her foot on the Temple steps she can feel her stomach churn as it was being squeezed by a Sarlacc tentacle. Did she really make the right choice? Running from her parents in order to learn how to better harness her Force powers? Voli...
I’ll be on holiday for a week and have limited time to post. If I can, I’ll try to get them in though.
Silas: Thelma Goth / Valery Noble / Reggie Rau / Toby Perris
Cartri: Hex / Corazona von Ascania / Xan Deesa / Daiya / Hacks
From now until probably sometime after Monday, I'll be out on LOA. My mother in law is coming this Tuesday and while I thought I could juggle it all and also still post, I think I sorely under estimated how much time it'd take to get everything I needed to get finished, done, before she gets...
Hi there,
In looking for recruits and new writers for the NSLR, a faction i started as 'Doctors without Borders', i have found it hit and miss when it comes to interesting people in various concepts for building a new faction. My thought came to the fact that there may be other groups out there...
Intent: A small personal defense weapon
Image Source: Pavol Humaj
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Merr Mechanica
Affiliation: Merr Mechanica
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: Snake Bytes
Modularity: No...
"It's amazing how many lights you can find on a world like this. Are the stars above just too far away? Or do you hate them so much that they need to be blotted out by all this.. Glow?"
She sat in the window, just staring out over the city of Nar Shadda. Yeah, the city. The whole planet was...
Seeing as I've just been using this character to make factory submissions and company stuff, I haven't really gotten a chance to Rp with people. To put things super simple, I'm just looking to get into a faction. I've hunted around a bit, but just haven't found the right one, I always have been...
Location: Infirmary, Padawan Home
Equipment: Weighted Padawan Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren
There was always an air of pity when she was present in these kinds of places. The careful looks between the nurses...