Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sons of khaeus

  1. Hastor Trosk

    Public  Mantell Madness [Ask]

    Great Rock, Ord Mantell The agri-village of Great Rock is what you might expect from a typical frontier town on the newly rejuvenated world. Farmers and tradesfolk going about their daily business. Livestock bellowing and wallowing in the mud. Yet, this day would one to shatter the idyllic...
  2. Vul'tsai

    Character  Sarcosia

    SARCOSIA Age 33 GSY Species Pyke (Mutant) Gender Female Height 1.66 Meters Weight 53 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Zagara INVENTORY Equipment A Force-imbued staff, made from the bones of a Drael Skag A modified Ungulloi combat harness A “Splitter”-type bow Vehicle(s) The...
  3. Sons of Khaeus

    Sons of Khaeus

    The Sons of Khaeus is a fervent, militaristic cult founded by Hastor Trosk, emerging from his profound disillusionment with the failures of the Silver Jedi on Jabiim. Trosk, a charismatic and ruthless leader, established the group to revive and emulate the martial practices and ideologies of the...
  4. Hastor Trosk

    Character  Hastor Trosk

    HASTOR TROSK Age 35 GSY Homeworld Jabiim Species Ozrelanso Gender Male Height 1.91 Meters Weight 120 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Death INVENTORY Equipment A set of Model-A verikast drone armor, modified to his biology A Radesh shredder An electroripper staff A Barad kukri...
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