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This is a PVE skirmish against the Intergalactic Banking Clan Headquarters, located on Scipio.
This is a skirmish action and it will not affect the hexes in the map game. But it will definitely affect RP for numerous minor factions.
Yes, RPly speaking, this is a retaliation for the bank heist...
Image Credits: WallpaperSafari
Objective: Plan a Sith Bank Robbery
Location: Diarchy VIP Getaway Estate, Artorias, Diarchy Space
Tags: Glade | Open to Space Wolves, Diarchists, and any vigilante character who doesn't like the Sith.
In a quiet area of Diarchy's private Getaway Estate on the...
"Bite only at the hand of corruption."
The Space Wolves aren't bound by rules or tradition, and the organization answers to no-one. The Space Wolves aren't just soldiers, they are survivors, and "when a space wolf hunts, nothing survives". These warriors don't march to tradition, but they...