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The Star Ascendancy - The Political and Economic Organization of Dantooine
Intent: To establish the sector leadership of Dantooine for maximum RP clarity.
Image Credit: HotPot.AI
Canon: Original Lore.
Permissions: Yes - Permission sought and approved from Lyssara...
The Star Reformation of Dantooine
A New Force Religion
Intent: To create an independent government for Dantooine that is an ecclesiastical order of force users; to describe what in the galaxy has been going on in Dantooine lately.
Canon: Original Lore...
Miniature Fusion Reactor: A compact fusion reactor, small enough to fit inside a wearable item like a ring or wristband, powers the inventory system.
Slot-Based Storage System: The system allows the user to organize items into distinct "slots," similar to video game inventory...
(Ooc note : Do not post here, i will create the chapter !)
The goal is clear, we must attempt to establish ourselves on Ryloth. We have, of course, tried to contact the local administrator, but they have attempted to ignore our diplomatic communications. He is not take us in serious... And he...