Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  Covian Pearls

    OOC INFORMATION: IMAGE SOURCE: [X] PERMISSIONS: N/A CANON SOURCE: [X] PRIMARY SUB: N/A MATERIALS: Biomolecules, Various silica and polymers SPECIAL FEATURES Due to it being a synthetic pearl, these can be supplied in a variety of colors ranging from black, petroleum, red, blue and white with...
  2. CRS Dachuppity

    Character  Kim Ergo

    Kim Ergo Home Planet - Coruscant Age 2 Years Species Synthetic Gender Male Height 6'2" Weight 300 Lbs Force Sensitive No Physical Description Kim is the creation of underground operations and surgery's performed on Coruscant through nefarious means. His...
  3. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Healing Crystals of Fire

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a new Force Crystal Image Source: Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Synthetic Healing Crystals of...
  4. Hansen

    Approved Tech  Syntetyske Spieren (Norr: Synthetic Muscle)

    "Relax, think about what you want the suit to do, and then let it do the work." -Norr Instructor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a bodysuit technology that forms part of Norr Powersuit designs utilising principles of piezoelectricity to create significant mechanical advantage...
  5. Syd Celsius

    Approved Tech  Great Healing Crystal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a Unique Healing Crystal Image Source: Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Great Healing Crystal Manufacturer: Syd Celsius Affiliation...
  6. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Work In Progress  Nathan's Ringed Saberstaff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a unique lightsaber. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market...
  7. Tegan Starfall

    Approved Tech  Null Fiber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Intent to create a material to use in various future submissions that has interesting effects with Force Nulls, Voids, and Neutrality Image Source: NA Canon Link: Nullification Resin Permissions: NA Primary Source: Nullification Resin | Force Cage...
  8. Laertia Io

    Synthetic Ankarres Lightsabers

    Intent: Create a standard Semi Unique lightsaber. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Various Force Users Affiliation: Varies...
  9. Maple Harte

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Crystal Lightsabers

    Intent: Create standard use semi unique lightsabers for the open market and as loot for quests/dungeons, and also because our fine members should not have to hunt Wookieepedia quite so much if they don't want to Image Source: N/A (Impossible to provide image as there are so many examples) Canon...
  10. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  Synthetic Ankarres Lightsaber

    Intent: Create a standard Semi Unique lightsaber. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Various Force Users Affiliation: Varies...
  11. 001-A-986 "Nix"

    Approved Tech  3rd generation Biodroid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to create a syntetic humanoid for use as player characters or npc's Image Source: both were created by myself using Canon Link: Permissions: N/A Primary Source...
  12. Laertia Io

    Synthetic Etaan Crystal

    Intent: Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Model: Modularity: Production: Material: PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal Weight: Color: Resistances: Energy: Kinetic...
  13. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Jenraux Crystal

    Intent: To craft a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal for sale Image Source: Canon Link: Jenruax Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises (Main...
  14. Laertia Io

    Synthetic Thontiin Crystal

    Intent: To craft a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal for sale Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises (Main Distributor) The Serpents of Ashla...
  15. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Lava Crystal Type 1

    Intent: To craft a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lava Crystal PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises (Main Distributor) The Serpents...
  16. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Opila

    Intent: To craft a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal for sale Image Source: Canon Link: Opila Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises (Main Distributor) The Serpents...
  17. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Seeker Crystal

    Intent: To create a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal for sale Image Source: Canon Link: Seeker Crystal Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises (Main...
  18. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Rubat

    Intent: To craft a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal for sale Image Source: Canon Link Rubat Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises...
  19. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Synthetic Ankarres

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To craft a Synthetic Healing Crystal for sale Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises...
  20. H

    Character  designation_H4LCY0N

    H4LCY0N attemptDREAM designationHAL, HALCYON code_name4BBY classificationARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE value_inputADVANTAGE statusREPLICATED deploymentUNAFFILIATED MAC_addressETHOS CITY, LITHIOS display_valueSYNTHETIC_REPLICA_HUMANOID code_acceptedADAPTABLE employmentFREELANCE...
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