Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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synthetic crystal

  1. Rath Nihro

    Approved Tech  Berylacite

    SPECIAL FEATURES Force Imbued Crystal ~ Unlike what most would spend time in creating a synthetic kyber crystal, this one has been heavily imbued by the Light side of the force. When slotted inside of a lightsaber, the blade color is always a golden yellow. Dark Side Dampening ~ Those who use...
  2. HPI Consortium

    Approved Tech  HPI - Töfrandi Class Synthetic Crystal

    Full Art Intent: To create synthetic crystals for the Open Market. Image Source: Crystals made in Playground AI prompted by Me (Nefadar) Headers, picture border, picture manipulation, divider by me Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Original Thread: Link Name: Töfrandi...
  3. Ingrid L'lerim

    Approved Tech  Töfrandi Class Synthetic Crystal

    Full Art Intent: To create synthetic crystals for the Open Market. Image Source: Crystals made in Playground AI prompted by Me (Nefadar) Headers, picture border, picture manipulation, divider by me Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Name: Töfrandi Class Synthetic Crystal...
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