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Squeeb sat at his unmatched unshakable seat of power! The Cantina, tapping a sonic microphone. Standing up, the small squib towered at a mighty 3ft tall, almost, an imposing presence if you were sitting or laying down, which indeed several of the guests had chairs. As he readied his speech. He...
Bring Your Scarf (Open to One)
Academy Rooms, Indoors.
Today a Master happened to be teaching Tapas, and a few students were lining up to learn the basics of the technique. The ability to keep your body warm in a cold environment, which to the keen observer might work to hamper the...
Republic Space
Mid Rim
Tholatin System
Tholatin was once a very long time ago under vong control, and it had smuggling outposts, but beyond that Taiden knew little about where he was headed, so on the way he’d spent a night and a day...
Nightmare lands
Patience. The ability to wait, to bide one's time in an effort to allow the passage of events for benefit or gain. It took patience when you lived this long, and studied so much. In a journey that had spanned over two centuries and countless worlds in the deep void of...
Inner Rim
Thyrsus, Thyrsus System
The City of Ryharess, City Streets, Daybreak.
An incessantly, dry, arid climate. Ryharess was unchanged in almost 350 years since the House of Kae had undergone their efforts to reform it. The Echani population was mixed with human and other near human groups...
Inner Rim
Thyrsus, Thyrsus System
The City of Ryharess, Inside the Eyes of Time, The Proving Circle.
Pure white perfection. Halls of white upon white decor, and rooms with a singular purpose. Echani design was bold and open to the world, it always had a clear, precise intent. The political...