Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Skeevi Merrill

    Private  Ten Bad Nights in Lasaraleen

    Lasaraleen Tash-Taral Former Levantine Frontier Tash-Taral, in Skeevi's eye, was allergic to compassion. Back in Seven Corners, Denon's down-and-out would do you a favor if they could. Times weren't necessarily harder out here, they were just meaner. Skeevi and a dozen other folks, probably...
  2. Ashin Cardé Varanin

    Approved Tech  Tashai Coat of Coins

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A distinctive coat of light armor suitable for daily wear. Image Source: Mitch Mohrhauser Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Tlingit body armor, Dragon-sickness PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Inhabitants of Tash-Taral Affiliation...
  3. Ashin Cardé Varanin

    Approved Tech  Tashai Ruin Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Honestly? Nobody's selling armor in the Vault yet. Image Source: Ludovic Plouffe Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ancient Sith on Tash-Taral Affiliation: Select clients Market Status: Closed market...
  4. Velok Brokentusk

    Public  Bring your Kills, Gain their Power (open to drop-ins and passers-by)

    OOC/ If you've played Valheim, you already get the idea. In that game, you hunt bosses, take trophies from them, and gain a unique power from each one. I've done some RP on the premise that the Veloks can make that happen. This is basically a version of the fortune-telling thread, where each...
  5. Darth Voyance

    Faction  Kingdom of Heaven [Warlords of the Sith]

    [Over Tash-Taral] Ripped from the photonic maelstrom of hyperspace the Tuk'ata-Class Battleship, the Reliquary, emerged in a reality tearing leap forward. It’s long monolithic red mass drifted past the efflux of its hyperspace exit on quiet residual momentum. Slowly advancing, it was met by a...
  6. Valik

    Approved Species  Sand Kraken

    Image Credit: PointLineArea Name: Sand Kraken Designation: Semi Sentient Homeworld: Tash-Taral Language: None Average Lifespan: 20 years Estimated Population: Around a hundred, but expanding well. Average height of adults: 2.8m Average length of adults: N/A Skin color: Blue, brown Hair color...
  7. Evaelyn Zambrano

    Ghost Bust That!

    The ship was journeying through and into the planet's atmosphere. Below awaited the desert planet Tash-Taral. It hadn't been the easiest of journeys, but discomfort and danger troubled not the young Zambrano. She was used to doing this sort of thing on her own, though on this particular occasion...
  8. T

    Very fast, very dangerous…

    As she entered the hangar, she shivered with excitement. The place was teeming with the droids and crews of all the great podracers of Tash-Taral. The pilots themselves were milling about, testing equipment. All the main contenders. Then the second-raters. Then Tejori. In her day she was a...
  9. T

    It was a way to pass the time…

    She began the laborious process of disconnecting the converter from its junction. It took patience and care, because Tejori was, in essence, trying to remove a component of the hyperdrive system that had never been designed to be interchangeable. In any other circumstance, it would've been...
  10. T

    You don’t get more nowhere than here…

    The pod hit the ground with a severe jolt – then again – and again. It was skipping across the sand. Finally, one impact stuck, slowing it down bit by bit as it tunnelled through Jakku's desert and very gradually came to a stop. The pod jarred forward, into the air, so hard that it looked as...
  11. T

    This is a dead place…

    Out there — it’s nothing. Nowhere, stretched wide and made infinite. The dry crust of desert. The whipping tails of dust. Past that: dunes. Mounds of sand, red as fire. They seem to run on forever underneath the cloudless sky. Behind her: raggedy, ratty tents. Propped up by scraps of rusted...
  12. T

    First one in...

    The X'us'R'iia lasted three and a half days. Tejori finished one bottle of water and half of another, guarding her thirst, because she didn't know how long it would be until she'd be able to get into Jaken for more. She was out of food by the second day, and by the time the storm was over her...
  13. T

    But it wasn't the same…

    When Tejori finally ventured out, it took her an hour to get her door open. The sand was piled so high and packed so hard against it that she could move it only by centimetres at first. With each push, more of the desert rushed into her home. When she finally did have the door open, she had to...
  14. T

    It was where technology went to die…

    The locals called the storm X'us'R'iia. It had a name because they believed there was only the one, the same one that returned again and again. It was the breath of the god R'iia, they said. R'iia was not a benevolent god, and thus the storm was blamed for a great many things. It was the source...
  15. T

    R'iia was not a benevolent god…

    Tejori didn't have much hope for a good find. She'd lost the morning already, and by the time she'd ridden her speeder out to the edges of the graveyard from Jakan, it was mid-afternoon. Anything the morning’s violent storm had revealed farther in had already been claimed. As she rode, she could...
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