Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sévérine

    First Reply  Taung Uprising

    0700 Hrs Coruscant System Severine had been given orders, her data pad flooded with the unhappy news that in the very heart of the Alliance, an uprising was happening. The Taung were an ancient people native to Coruscant, who had a thrist for war that rivaled The Mandalorians. There elite...
  2. Guan Thwei

    Character  Guan-Thwei

    GUAN-THWEI (Night blood) NAME: Guan-Thwei FACTION: Mandalorian Crusader RANK: Sain'ja (Elite Blooded) CLAN: SPECIES: Taung offshoot AGE: Blooded SEX: Masculine HEIGHT: 2.76 meters WEIGHT: 200 kilos EYES: Yellow HAIR: Black SKIN: Yellow-grey black FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS...
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