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The First Purge of the Fifth Wing
A Tsis'Kaar assassin prepares to eliminate members of the seditious Fifth Wing on the orders of their master.
Intent: To cover an event that happened in an organisation called the Fifth Wing, and what led up to it.
TAGS: Kaelos Vryn
Braze had been quietly observing for weeks, auditing classes and keeping a watchful eye on Kaelos and the other Padawans. He studied them—not just their skills, but their personalities, their habits, their struggles. Who excelled at teamwork? Who faltered in communication...
It was good to be back on Coruscant, walking through the temple that Jonyna Si had rebuilt and fixed. It was well lived in now. Aris smiled ever so faintly as he looked through the halls, hearing people walking it's halls. Training, talking, learning. He had to learn some things himself sill...
It was finally here!
Summer and with Zinder 2.1v being released, the Summer Fest was a go! Rhys had scouted a few planets and figured that Scarif was an ideal location, while the planet had the whole shield gate thing going on, the beach locations and clear waters were too beautiful to not...
(Please Check out This Thread for use as an OOC and planning thread. All are welcome and the first portion of the RP before the line break is meant to be a galaxy wide broadcast. After the first portion will be the post on the planet itself.)
All those who hear this message. The people of...
Location: Rodia
Outfit: Work Attire
Equipment: Blaster pistol, interlocking lightsabers
Objective: Observe the target
Tags: Open
The job had been a simple one, tail some rich jealous freak's wife. The man had been certain that she was having affairs across several systems with differing people...
I'm not good at coding so I don't know if it's a possible thing or not, but First Reply threads have been popping off as of late. Though, some just don't get replies because they pretty quickly get buried by other threads in the public forum, and only the newest First Reply is shown on the...
From having the following code in their CSS design. Please see the updated rule, in the roleplay rules.
Link for the lazy:
9. The following CSS attributes from the DIV bb code are now prohibited and may not be used.
a. background-attachment...
Hello there!
As one might have noticed, I have taken it upon me to formulate a new faction based on the First Order aesthetics and ethics!
That being said though - without the Dark Side shenanigans. We definitely still have a fascist-militaristic-imperialistic state, but with a strong...
Trajann Vemec
firstfirst order
thefirstthefirst order
Raise the Standards of the First Order
The First Order's founding is now more than two years ago and Serenno and its neighbouring systems are fully occupied by the might of the First Orders Armed Forces, its nobles and facilities incorporated into the structures of the government and industry...
Trajann Vemec
firstfirst order
thefirstthefirst order
Location: Castella Matrisca gym
Objective: Fight
Tags: Ragos Terrek
Mairéad had been staying at the Castella for a few nights now and was getting settled in to a routine already here, and her first task of the day was to work out, weights, cardio and today boxing. She was a mandalorian, so...
West Jir's first month with the crew was a blur of excitement and overwhelming new experiences. He had always dreamed of traveling space, but he had never imagined himself on a ship with such a eclectic group of characters.
The first few days were the hardest for him, as he struggled to find...
A Repository of Knowledge to store designs, blueprints, and information of importance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Von Sorenn Industries, and its Subsidiary Corporations
Image Source:
[HERE] - Vault Door
[HERE] - Interior...
fa-play fa-pause
This was not an unexpected visit. No, he'd felt it in his bones for many days that he was being called. Voph wasn't sure where he was being called. Till he heard the word spoken in his presence. Alderaan. When he heard it, he knew he was to travel there. So...
Ras wasn't used to being looked at - but the day he arrived on Kashyyk, he had gotten his share of looks. Bewildered looks, looks of fear, second-guesses, and wide-eyed fascination. Even the act of getting to the planet was strange; the dragon was...
Bathaum and Atami
| Intent | To flesh out origin lore for another species.
| Image Credit | Source + My own edits
| Canon | N/A
| Permissions | N/A
| Links | Ballus Prime [WIP] / Balrythians / Zillo Beast
| Name | Temporus Dragon
Name: The First
Other name(s):
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir
Guardian Angel by Geiseric
Small Lady by Dis
Ranks and titles:
Matriarch of the Valkyrja (The First)
Representative and Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Heir of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Princess of the Eternal Empire and...
Aurelion's Lightsaber || Aurelion's Sith Armor
Beneath the darkened skies of Dromund Kaas did Aurelion answers the summons of his new Master, Darth Prazutis for what was to be their first session of 'training'. Whatever that meant among the Sith Aurelion was not sure, however, he dared not...
Zrixtas MK.1
(Think a bit more rusty and weathered with a tattered dress around it's waist stopping just around it's knees)
Image Source: Here
Intent: To make a body to house the Shard core that is Zrixtas Ch'acton
Development Thread: will put if need be
Manufacturer: @Zrixtas Ch'acton