Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the imperial remnant

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    Approved NPC  Initiative 12 "Inferno Squadron"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To renew the elite special forces squadron for the true descendant of the First Galactic Empire, the Imperial Remnant. Image Credit: Here. Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Initiative 12 "Inferno Squadron"...
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    E-11/S Standardized Imperial Infantry Blaster Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To re-create the standardized blaster rifle for the Imperial military with even more versatility than its predecessor Image Source: Here. Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Imperial...
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    There's Always A Bigger Ship

    [Theme] K O T H L I S S H I P Y A R D S 8 5 0 A B Y [hr] Dozens of Imperial star destroyers as well as numerous other vessels swarmed the shipyard complex over Krant, the various starships patrolling the area in small fleets. All of this was centered around one massive, dagger-shaped...
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    Approved NPC  Reaper Regiment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To set in stone Director Travis Caalgen's personal contingent of death troopers. Image Credit: Here. Links: Death trooper GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: DS-ζ, Codename: "Reaper Regiment" Affiliation: Weapons Director [member=Travis Caalgen"], the Imperial...
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    Approved Starship  Imperial IV-class Star Destroyer

    Alternate Profiles: OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a more refined version of earlier models of the Imperator-class. Image Source: FractalSponge Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Imperial Remnant Model: Imperial-class Star Destroyer Affiliation: The...
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    Approved Starship  Warlord-class Destroyer/Carrier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated carrier for the Imperial Navy of the Imperial Remnant Image Source: Here Development Thread: Hahahahahahaha.... *breathes* Hahahahahahaa Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Imperial Remnant Model: N/A...
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    Solution on Scarif [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Scarif and Kowak]

    [Theme] H Y P E R S P A C E, E N R O U T E T O S C A R I F 8 5 0 A B Y [hr] A single Tempus-class Star Frigate was encompassed in the realm of hyperspace; a massive, seemingly endless azure tunnel that was a critical component for interstellar powers. The IRV Bel'reen was on a mission...
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    Panacea [The Imperial Remnant]

    The IRV Harridan, a Victory IV-class Star Destroyer, reverted from hyperspace over the planet of Setus Prime. It sailed steadily from its exit point till it achieved orbit of the planet just outside of its atmosphere, the grey durasteel hull glowing from the system's sun. Navy personnel and...
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    Naboo Incursion [IR vs. GA] "We have entered the Naboo system. My fleet will revert shortly as well." Rear Admiral Dorien mentioned, walking up to Director Caalgen who was clad in his usual white uniform. "Excellent, General Sunrider is marshaling her troops at the moment...
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    The Imperial Capital - Kamino [Imperial Remnant Location Thread]

    KAMINO Unknown Sector, Wild Space To the galaxy at large; Kamino was a relatively unknown planet, cleverly hidden in the Rishi Maze, a satellite galaxy orbiting its much larger brother. Oh had the Imperial Remnant been ever cautious in choosing the star system that would house its main base of...
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