Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the long conflict

  1. Darth Centax

    Private  Conflict or Silence. Chronicle or Spark. The Codex awaited its answer.

    Eternity awaits. Tag: Darth Invictus Jade Penumbra Nebula, surrounded by the Dead-Run Badlands. Landra System: A White and Blue binary star. On Lilandrer, a giant terrestrial planet. The Enduring Pinnacle's Apex, a mountainous island, symbolizes what may come. Dawn. A sickeningly beautiful...
  2. Darth Centax

    Approved NPC  777th Codex Legion

    An army of the Sith Code. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: One Sith Ground Forces Image Credit: Mine via AI Dungeon - Stable Diffusion XL Role: Purging One Sith enemies, then guarding their ruins. Embodying the Sith Code. Permissions: Clone Permission | Fire For Effect is owned by me...
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