Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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the maverick

  1. Jax Thio

    Private  The Reunion of the Brat and The Maverick

    Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Aveline Cuiléin Jax walked towards the training room clearing his mind in the process. He needed to brush up on Djem-So as it was the next lesson he planned...
  2. Felix Faraday

    Character  Felix Faraday | | The Maverick (WIP)

    FELIX FARADAY Music The Maverick Playlist Full Name Felix Nero Faraday Aliases Maverick Class(es) Gunslinger Birthplace Myrkr Homeworld Sylvia IV Residence Sundari Age 25 y/o || 193 y/o Personality Traits Sardonic, Laidback, Flirty Education Traits Scientist, Gunsmith, Driver...
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