Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Bhullo Gred

    Character  Bhullo Gred

    BHULLO GRED Age 28 GSY Species Ortolan Gender Male Height 0.89 Meters Weight 75 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Mr. Big INVENTORY Equipment A set of biology modified Mandalorian armor made from beskar-durasteel alloy Mandalorian vambraces, equipped with flamethrowers, whipcord...
  2. Koala Endor

    Character  Koala the Creator

    KOALA of ENDOR Age 218 Species Ewok Gender Male Height 0.9m Weight 35kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Short even for his species, with graying brown fur shot through with white, he wears a bandolier with many pockets and pouches, and often carries tools. His eyes are...
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