Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. RC 212

    Taking Candy (Hostile Takeover/ Resurgent Banking Clan/TJE)

    Zarchas Kitza What was better than money? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The Jen'ari Empire had faltered. Their leadership was in disarray. So here her goons were. Yeah Anvil Interstellar had a rep to protect, but a little known fact was they had Backwater Security Corp on their payroll about...
  2. Mike V'Trechen

    Tatooine = Invasion by a lot of CIS folks that wanna kill me, because of the last one I made.

    Mike is having a good day. He was on a mission to find a Force User Vagrant. Mike knew that it would be hard, since she was on Tatooine. Last time on Tatooine, the CIS shot him down and now, with the TJE in fractures, Mike will not have any help. Mike walked into the Mos Eisley Cantina. He...
  3. Taru Cadera

    Approved Location  The Arena of War

    The Arena of War OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique TJE Training arena, with ample space for a small group of people, no more than 20, in order to better their training and fighting. ​Image Credit: X / Y Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name...
  4. Ascendant Muse

    Strange Terrain | CIS Invasion of TJE-held Zonmira

    Z O N M I R A So typical it is for the shadow to fade at nightfall. In the wake of the utter devastation unleashed by Confederate and Sith-Imperial forces the Jen'ari Empire seemingly fell. A meager glance at the aftermath of the offenses told a story similar to the destruction of the Galactic...
  5. Darth Carnifex

    Gos'Karza - Total War | TSE Invasion of TJE's Fush Bnigeai Hex

    “Destination imminent, achieving hyperspace terminus.” The blackness of the void was cut by multiple starships all emerging from hyperspace at once, dozens upon dozens of angular wedge-shaped warships. Diagonal Marr-class Star Destroyers, wide and flat Kressh-class Star Destroyers, and even...
  6. Darth Vyrassu

    Alchemy physical transforming

    Darth Vyrassu Jen'ari Sith Emperor Tag: [member="Rikaelyr Ragnos"] [member="Darth Destus"] [member="Ashara Evanaris"] It's been over a month since the Emperor fell on Foedo, no one has seen him until now. On Guduma several kilometers deep under the Consortium Sith Citadel in the private...
  7. Rikaelyr Ragnos

    Approved NPC  Valkyrie Squad

    Intent: to create a unique squad under the command of Darth Malice (Rikaelyr Ragnos) and the TJE Emperor Image Credit: here Role: Protective detail for Rikaelyr Ragnos Links: TJE , Darth Malice (Rikaelyr Ragnos) - General Information Unit name: Valkyrie Squad Affiliations: Rikaelyr Ragnos...
  8. Rikaelyr Ragnos

    Approved Tech  Valkyrie Armor

    Valkyrie Armor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a semi-unique armor for Valkyrie Squad of the Jen'ari Empire Image Source: here Primary Source: Medium Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: ArmaTech Combat Systems Model: MK 1 Affiliation: Valkyrie Squad Modularity: Yes...
  9. Darth Vyrassu

    The Resurgant Sith Empire/The Jen'ari Empire

    * Intent: To record and document the history of The Jen'ari Empire including it's birth as the Resurgant Sith Empire under Vitiate. * Image Credit: Here * Canon: Resurgant Sith Empire * Links: * Resurgant Sith Empire * Sith Emperor Vitiate * The Dark Council * The Jen'ari Empire * Sith...
  10. Darth Vyrassu


    * Intent: To create a Future world to generate new stories and create character development. * Image Credit: * All images are screenshots from SWTOR by [member="Riamah"] * Slonias City * Canon: N/A * Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION * Planet Name: Sniea * Demonym: Snieians * Region: Outer...
  11. Darth Vyrassu


    * Intent: to create a world swarmed in the darkside that will be involved in future stores of The Jen'ari Empire * Image Credit: * Ancient Sith Temple * Ritual Chamber * Sith Citadel * Header, and planet image custom made by me. * Canon: N/A * Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION * Planet Name...
  12. Darth Vyrassu

    Resurgant Banking Clan

    Tier VI * Image Source: Custom * Canon Link: N/A * Development Thread: N/A * Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION * Corporation Name: Resurgant Banking Clan * Headquarters: Zarchas Kitza * Locations: Zonmira Guduma Draika Dromund Vatsu Fush Bnigeai Gelida * Operations: The...
  13. Darth Necrin

    The forms of a fight

    On the planet of Drommund Vatsu, Darth Necrin had summoned his apprentice, [member="Demitry Draskovits"], for training. This lesson would be for him to try the different forms of lightsaber combat, and hopefully find the one he would focus on mastering. Necrin had chosen this world because it...
  14. Darth Vyrassu

    Approved Planet  Laisvas

    * Intent: Fleshing out a mysterious planet from Vyrassu's back story that was the host to The Nethema Ritual/Vitite's Ritual that now lay dead. * Image Credit: The Valley * Lezena Imperial Settlement * Canon: N/A * Links: The Ritual of Nathema GENERAL INFORMATION * Planet Name: Laisvas *...
  15. Rikaelyr Ragnos

    Guduma: Lords and Ladies and Slaves. Oh My!

    Guduma.Home. New planet of Pureblood Sith. To Darth Malice this was her new home, it was a 'clone' of Korriban and it reminded her of times growing up on the cold, dry sands as a child and then as a young acolyte undergoing her Sith trials. Rika awoke in her quarters 20 meters under the Sith...
  16. Darth Vyrassu

    Consortium Sith Temple

    * Intent: To flesh out the details of the Consortium Sith Citadel * Image Credit: * Sith Temple * Ritual Chambers * Dark Council Chambers * Grand Library * Darth Malice's Dark Chambers * King's Throne Room * Vault of Knowledge * Canon: N/A * Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION * Structure Name...
  17. Darth Vyrassu

    Kissai Priests

    • Intent: To Flesh out the details of the Kissai Priests for The Pureblood Consortium • Image Credit: here • Role: Priest Sorcerers of TPC • Links: Guduma GENERAL INFORMATION • Unit Name: The Kissai Priests • Affiliation: * The Jen'ari Empire * The Pureblood Consortium •...
  18. Darth Vyrassu


    * Intent: To create a Future world to generate new stories and create character development. * Image Credit: * All images are screenshots from SWTOR by [member="Riamah"] unless otherwise noted. * Sith Temple * Ritual Chambers * Genetics Lab * Both Naefas Pics * Grand Library * Darth Malice's...
  19. Darth Vyrassu

    The Pureblood Consortium

    * Intent: To flesh out the details of secret society organization within The Jen'ari Empire * Image Credit: * Insignia * Sith Banner * Canon: N/A * Links: GENERAL INFORMATION * Organization Name: The Pureblood Consortium * Classification: Religious Cult Organization * Affiliation: The...
  20. Darth Vyrassu

    The Massassi Warriors

    • Intent: To Flesh out the details of the Massassi warriors for The Pureblood Consortium • Image Credit: Here • Role: Combat Warriors of TPC • Links: Guduma GENERAL INFORMATION • Unit Name: The Masassi Warriors • Affiliation: * The Jen'ari Empire * The Pureblood Consortium •...
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