Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  The Springtime of Nations

    Alvaria was beautiful. There was a breeze in the air, one that wafted through hair and brushed against one's skin with a weight that one stood at attention. All married beneath the rays of sunlight, bearing down from clear, if still cloudy, skies above. There was little threat of rain, which...
  2. Darth Fury

    Private  The Silver Serpents

    Planet Saijo Palace of the Silver Rain Darth Fury sat within his personal chambers atop the high peaks of what is known as the Palace of Silver Rain. It was a downpour this night with sleeks of rain glancing off the sharpened towers of the palace to fall carelessly to the mountains and rivers...
  3. Leliana

    Private  Old Spider, New Web

    She should’ve known her luck would’ve run out eventually. Time had passed since the Sith Empire had collapsed, the Saaraishash along with it. And Leliana, the once wayward student of the Pale Assassin, seemingly disappeared from the face of the galaxy. In reality, she had retreated to the...
  4. Aspect of Victory

    Faction  The Populares | Tsis'Kaar and SO Faction Thread

    After the mixed if passionate reaction to the speech, many filtered out of the Dorvallan mines, most out of protest for the words of a figure that was as much hated as he was beloved. Yet, most still remained in the cavernous heart of the world, after the speech the drinks still liberally...
  5. Aspect of Victory

    Populate  The Optimates and The Populares | Tsis'Kaar and SO Populate of Eishandruu Pica

    Dorvalla. The planet of the Tsis'Kaar's victory over the Galactic Alliance only some moons ago. On the frontlines of the renewed war against the Alliance, with only neighbouring Echnos to be considered a neighbour of particular note. The evidence of the Alliance's invasion of the world had been...
  6. Lady Falentra

    Private  Sliver of the Soul

    Training was intense as the apprentice neared knighthood. The dark councillor was often busy, often she was assigned mission and tasks, other times she was trusted with her own devices, time which she usually spent at the tsk-9i underwater base engineering new Sithspawn. However, in the recent...
  7. Alicia Drey

    Approved Lore  The Nest Is Hacked By The Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats

    The Nest Is Hacked By The Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide context, and information, regarding an event that happened during an Invasion thread hosted by the Empire of the Lost, and Tingel Arm Coalition. Image Credit: [x] [x] Canon...
  8. Darth Malum of House Marr

    The Tsis'Kaar

    The Tsis'Kaar are a powerful, enigmatic, and secretive organisation that through great tumults and triumphs, existing over multiple decades, has now reached its greatest power, holding a near official monopoly over matters of galactic and domestic intelligence and security within the Sith...
  9. Aliyah

    Mission  The Unchaining | SO, Tsis'Kaar

    Faldos - a world seemingly shrouded in obscurity and irrelevance in the galactic political theatre. Located on the very edge of the outer rim, it is no coincidence that this world would practically become the HQ of the Sith Inquisition, it is a castle, hard to penetrate through means of...
  10. A

    Private  The Path To Power [Darth Malum]

    Jutrand, The Heart of Sith Space. The Scar Hounds were a hardened people, proud of their prowess in combat and wearing their wounds as a record of their past victories, scars that projected their fearlessness and affinity for violence. Alyra Morran was of a bold people, and she had been taught...
  11. Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki

    Private  To Trust a Risk

    The Dark Lady was dead - murdered by her own apprentices before she could finish what she started, a goal left unaccomplished and her enemies left standing. The class of women were scattered out across the Galaxy, for a few years now, slowly growing in numbers, awaiting their command and call to...
  12. Alicia Drey

    Approved Lore  The Fifth Wing

    The Fifth Wing OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To explain a branch of a Sith-sect called the Tsis'Kaar. Image Credit: Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: Alicia Drey , Darth Malum of House Marr , The Sith...
  13. Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki

    Character  Hykatiis

  14. Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki

    Approved NPC  Tsis’Raki l Priestesses’ of Darth Ophidia

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Black Widow Red Room concept for a Tsis'Kaar branch. Image Credit: Marvel MCU Black Widow 2021 Disney+ Role: An all woman Tsis'Kaar branch gone rogue after insurgence of Tsis'Kaar. Led by senior Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Permissions: Tsis'Kaar, Darth...
  15. Lady Falentra

    Approved Location  TSK-9i | Tsis'Kaar Underwater Base and Research Facility

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a secret base for the Tsis'Kaar that doubles as a marine bio engineering and research facility. Image Credit: Exterior, Docking Bay, Caverns, Laboratory, Cyberpunk Mermaid, Tech, Alchemy Lab, Prison, Pinterest ai lab Canon: No Permissions: n/a...
  16. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  The Serpent's Den | (SO Dominion of Empty Hex)

    Fiviune 902 ABY The shroud of the Tsis’Kaar had proven impenetrable until a few days ago, the exact whereabouts of Darth Ophidia herself and her main base of operations having been obscured and seemingly unknown even to the members and agents of the Tsis’Kaar themselves. Not even fleets of...
  17. R

    Private  The Secret Apprentice

    ALL TOO WELL ~They say all's well that ends well but I'm in a new hell every time you double-crossed my mind~ TAG: Malum of House Marr ALVARIA, OUTER RIM TERRITORIES Life, death, immortality. What is the Sith Order if not bounded by such questions of mortality. Inexplicably, all the...
  18. Aspect of Resolve

    Major Faction The Ouroboros Crisis Begins | Sith Order

    902 ABY Jutrand, Capital District The grand and ornate capital district of Jutrand, housing the chambers of the Senate and even the throne room of the Sith Emperor Darth Empyrean himself, had been set ablaze for almost an hour now. First responders and emergency teams of all kinds were still...
  19. Darth Ophidia

    Approved Tech  Mask of Seeming

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a neat force artefact for espionage and assassination. Image Source: Forgotten Realms Wiki: Mask. Symbol of Mask. Edited by me. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: Wookieepedia: Mask (Sith Alchemy). Factory: Cloth of Disguise...
  20. Darth Strosius

    Approved Starship  Shikkar-Class Assault Corvette

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make a corvette for Tsis'Kaar/Inquisition usage Image Source: Found Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tsis'Kaar Engineer Corps Affiliation: Sith Order Market Status: Closed-Market Model...
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