Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Et Tu Brutes

    TAG: Darth Empyrean Opposition was a constant for any which aspired to leadership. Obstacles did not fade for those in power. If there was any truth that could be considered absolute it was the fact a leader would always face those who thought they could lead better. Among the Sith it was not...
  2. Jakkor Kess

    Public  Tusken in a Strange World

    The Tusken elder known as Jakkor Kess spent many of his days tending to his village close to beggars canyon and very close to the Dune Sea. In his early days of his exile he would raid other Moisture farms close by, and now in his elder years he mostly kept his tribe secluded. When gaining new...
  3. Werah Unon

    The Fall of an Empire

    Werah waved open the glass doors, and stepped out, onto the podium. He was here, on Roon, to address the people of the Union. He looked out, at the towering skyscrapers, the orange sun, setting in the distant sky. He saw the crowds of people, every race in the galaxy appeared to be represented...
  4. Werah Unon

    Approved Tech  Q-3 Standard Blaster

    Image Source: Intent: A reliable blaster for the TU troops at Lirra. Development Thread: If necessary. Manufacturer: Lirra Outpost 1, Werah Unon Model: Q-3 Standard Blaster Affiliation: The Techno Union Modularity: No. Production: Production...
  5. Werah Unon

    Hired Gun = Fun

    Lirra, Outpost 1 Times were hard for the union. The recent raid on the capital itself had destroyed Werah's home there, where he had trained and worked for the past 6 months. Luckily his base here on Lirra was intact, a safe refuge from the war raging across the galaxy. The Main Complex was...
  6. Werah Unon

    Approved Vehicle  W.E.V. (Water Exploration Vehicle)

    Source: Intent: A submarine for the TU. Development Thread: If necessary. Manufacturer: The Techno Union Model: W.E.V. - Water Exploration Vehicle...
  7. Werah Unon

    Approved Tech  Quadtech Armour V.1

    Image Source: [member="Corruck Kazen"] Intent: To provide a basic medium armour for the TU. Development Thread: If necessary. Manufacturer: The Techno Union Model: V.1 Quadtech armour. Affiliation: Private Market Modularity: No. Production: Mass-produced. Material: Durasteel, Armourweave...
  8. Werah Unon

    Approved Tech  A-94 Heat Droid

    Image Source: Intent: A situational battle droid for the TU. Development Thread: If necessary. Manufacturer: Techno Union Model: A-94 Heat Droid Affiliation: The Techno Union Modularity: No. Production: Mass-Produced. Material: Durasteel, Aluminium...
  9. Mythos

    The Battle of Naboo.

    Event Name: The Battle of Naboo. IC Link: [X] Location: Naboo Involved Parties: Lord Mythos, Some Sith, TU. Event Type: Dominion/Battle Summary: After the Knight (at the time) of the OS Darth Mythos caught wind of the expansion of the Techno Union in his home planet of Naboo he was...
  10. L

    Raccoons in the Pit

    Amar When the One Sith took over Amar, they did so in an unbelievably cruel and brutal fashion. Butchering the Amarans by the thousands, enslaving hundreds more to shuffle them into work camps, and burning swaths of their cities. The few that were left were put to work in fenced in camps...
  11. L


    Its Skirmish time! Alright I am playing the Keep It Simple game. Senate District is about to become home to a crap load of Warriors, soldiers, droids, and auto turrets, Mid System is having a Grutchinya Outbreak like a teenager with acne, and Inner system has a couple of cruisers that...
  12. L

    Not the Hero this city needs, but the Villains it Deserves! [OS/TU versus GR] "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."- Albert Einstein Time: 2100 Hours Galactic Standard Time Location: Chazwa System Ship: Coreward Bound A-Class Bulk Freighter...
  13. Tmoxin Temi

    Dominion of Christophsis - call for Objectives

    Christophsis has come up as a planet that may be next for the TU to dominion. If anyone wants to write up objectives, feel free to post them here. There are lots of things to do on the planet including mining (crystals particularly) and upsetting...
  14. H3xle

    Besh Prime - HRD Upgrade

    Intent: To create a unique HD body for Besh Prime to download into. Development Thread: As Needed Manufacturer: Haor Chall Engineering Model: Besh Tabula Affiliation: Besh Prime/Techno Union Modularity: Yes (Weapons/Misc) Production: Unique Material: Frame - Tabula-Alusteel alloy Subdermis -...
  15. Kurt Meyer

    I Love War

    [member="Irys Arist'lar"] Boot steps rang loudly through the near empty halls of the odd little building that the secretary had sent him to. There was little decoration and even less color within the long corridor. The fine edges and slight cutting smoothness of the walls told of efficiency...
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