Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Caltin Vanagor

    Public  Tutaminis

    Tutaminis ‘Your work is not to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new awareness. Your job is to simply do your work… sacredly, secretly, silently … and those with “eyes to see and ears to hear’ will respond.’ –The Arturians The NAHK Droids were on standby, all circling the training...
  2. Caltin Vanagor

    LFG  Tutaminis

    It's not going to happen until after the Invasion (and Iris Arani has a chance to teach her first class) but I would like to find out what Jedi, regardless of the level (or selective Mandalorians) would like to learn a new skill. The skill that made Darth Vader so intimidating to an 8 year old...
  3. K

    Photosynthesize Everything

    Striding the hall of the Silver Jedi temple placed apon Kashyyyk, a metallic form hovered through and past students as if in a hurry. It was a droid by the obvious repulsor lifts on its form but it carried with it lightsabers. Harsh glares shifted its way, remarks under the breath and even the...
  4. Jairdain

    Blocking Art

    The arts of Force Barrier and Tutaminis used to be common knowledge within the Jedi, but over the years it was taught less and less. Until the time came where only a few knew these skills. Jairdain was one of these few and felt others needed to know how to perform them. Taking on the challenge...
  5. Nemesis Khurshid


    CORUSCANT: LOWER LEVELS; APARTMENT COMPLEX OBJECTIVE: LEARN TO ABSORB ENERGY MUSIC: MY DEMONS by STARSET GOAL LENGTH: 70-100 POSTS There was an ability that had been used for thousands of years. When used properly, it could mean the difference between life and death. Many had mastered...
  6. Aran Finn

    Legacy of Power [Imura; Tutaminis Training]

    Na'Varro's thirst for knowledge was taking him to new people and new places. @[member="Morna Imura"] was a fellow Fringer who he had served with on Seoul, and after learning of his knowledge of the art of Tutaminis, Alen had endeavoured to enjoy his acquaintance again. Imura had impressed him...
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