Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Matsu Ike

    Approved Tech  Sasori Model: Twilight Electro-Tattoos

    SPECIAL FEATURES Size: Designed to be operated by a single soldier and carried in a compacted design utalizing their newest technologies in the form of weaponized Sasori Electro-Cannon tattoos. Matter Conversion/Construction: An impressive design that has been developed allowing the missiles to...
  2. Yuri Kineroth

    Private  Child of Twilight

    Banchii He walked slowly through the forest. The sheathed sword held loosely in his hand as winds brushed the tree tops above. His green eyes, like glowing bog moss of Zelos IV, closed briefly as he breathed deeply of the alien scents of the desolate woodlands. This place was peace. The...
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