Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sraak Akdesh

    Character  Hayrdin Barros

    HAYRDIN BARROS Age 26 GSY Species Ubese Gender Male Height 1.71 Meters Weight 61 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Claim Reaper (Overwatch) INVENTORY Equipment A customized set of Ubese raider armor A techstaff outfitted with a kinetite charge A ZV2 heavy blaster pistol A Tehk’la...
  2. Brodda Besadii Tai

    Character  Suuv

    SUUV Age 20 Species P Gender Female Height 1.45 m Weight How much does your character weigh?42 kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Camouflage cloak and armour always coloured for the current job. Intimidating Ubese helmet and...
  3. Virgil

    Character  Virgil, Devil Archon

    VIRGIL Biology Social | 1.8 meters | 61.2 kg | Adult | He/They | Pariah Alignment Aliases | Chaotic Neutral | Archon Character Theme Tropes | It Tore Your Heart Out | Aloof Ally | Culture Clash Proficiencies Flaws | Speechcraft | Diplomacy | Blaster Pistols | Dogmatic...
  4. Arcadian

    Character  Arcadian, the Demagogue

    ARCADIAN Biology Social | 1.8 meters | 61.2 kg | Adult | He/They | Free Agent Alignment Aliases | Chaotic Neutral | Cade Character Theme Tropes | Dead Moon | Aloof Ally | Culture Clash Proficiencies Flaws | Focused | Salvaging | Blaster Rifles | Stubborn | No Roots |...
  5. Vhess Chattza

    Character  Ammund

    AMMUND Info Faction: Indepedent Birthplace: Uba IV Age: 19 GSY Species: Ubese Gender: Male Height: 1.88 Meters Weight: 84 kg Hair: None Skin: Pale Eyes: Gray Force Sensitivity: No Face: [X] Voice: Jason Spisak as Silco History In the annals of history, the sentients of the Galaxy have...
  6. Khama Fett

    Character  Faroussh

    FAROUSSH Faction: Hutt Space Consortium Species: Ubese Homeworld:Uba IV Gender: Male Age: 30 GSY Height: 1.85 Meters Weight: 53 kg Hair: Black Eyes: Turquoise Skin: Pale White Voice: Liam O'Brien as the Bad Batch Pyke The scouring of the Uba system by the Old Republic is a catastrophe that...
  7. Tovald Kahmen’’a

    Character  Tovald Kahmen’’a

    NAME: Tovald Kahmen’’a FACTION: Oil field worker (formerly) Bounty Hunter Guild First Steps | Dawn of Hope RANK: Bounty Hunter SPECIES: Ubese AGE: 37 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5’9 WEIGHT: 10 stone EYES: Blue HAIR: Bald (Alopecia since childhood: Permanent) Formally Black and very curly. SKIN: Fair...
  8. Diocletian Kahmen’’a

    Character  Diocletian Kahmen’’a

    NAME: Diocletian Kahmen’’a FACTION: Bounty Hunter/Assasin/Serial Killer Confederacy of Independent Systems The Exchange The Family RANK: Hunter SPECIES: Ubese AGE: 51 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6”1 WEIGHT: 11 stone, 10 lb EYES: Icy Blue HAIR: Black, tied back into braids. SKIN: Fair, carries a lot of...
  9. Saket Keane

    Character  Saket Keane

    Analysis Name: Saket Keane Species: Ubese Age: 22 Gender: Male Height: 1.9 meters Weight: Heavy Birthworld: Uba IV Residence: Dromund Kaas Faction: The Sith Empire Rank: Sith Acolyte Image source: +/- + Sturdy: Thanks to the actions of an...
  10. A

    Character  Aldric

    NAME: Aldric Edmond Galliard RANK: Jedi Master SPECIES: Ubese - Umbaran AGE: 38 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5’7” WEIGHT: Average EYES: Brilliant Green HAIR: Black SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Quiet, raspy voice Sign language (Ubeninal, Basic) Breath...
  11. Z

    Character  Zivos

    NAME: Zivos FACTION: Bounty Hunters RANK: None SPECIES: Ubese (Near-Human) AGE: 29 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6’2”/182.8cm WEIGHT: 150lbs/68kg EYES: Green HAIR: None SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : - Zivos has to wear a skin tight...
  12. Quvox


    Quvox NAME: Quvox FACTION: Jedi Praxeum RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Ubese AGE: 18 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 168lbs EYES: Brilliant Green HAIR: N/A SKIN: Dark FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  13. S

    Savoh Iaht

    NAME: Savoh Iaht (Birth name is Lanus Cick) FACTION: None RANK: Spellcaster SPECIES: Ubese / Cyborg AGE: Early 40s SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2 WEIGHT: 170 lbs EYES: N/A HAIR: N/A SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  14. Sars Sarad

    Kyan Vahhks

    Kyan Vahhks FACTION: Mercenary RANK: N/A SPECIES: Ubese AGE: Indeterminate (30's) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.9 meters WEIGHT: 72kg EYES: Bright Blue HAIR: None SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, somewhat...
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