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Undernet ECHO-ID Registry
If you want to reserve one, drop me a line or post it here, with your handle (or name) and 2-4 letters or numbers. Optionally with an avatar or icon look, which can form the basis of an undernet persona in different artistic ways
BAT2: Batch
CHR9: Chronicle
CK: Clicker...
1st Red Shift Renegade Signal Broadcast up:
Call-ins welcome, or just passing holonet (undernet) judgments :D. Drop any questions and you can assume the host asks it, unless you are a corpo (boo!)
For other slicers, you...
Signal sending in 3.2.1… live.
The Red Shift Renegade Signal
#Datastamp 1 // What it means to be a slicer.
OOC Thread
Undernet feeds buzzed bright, breaking into a light bantha-blade synth-thrash beat, bassline rising to grind like a gravtrain on rusty rails. Suddenly neon blue strobes pulsed...
Expanded with RP.
Rogue Protocol Keyrunners (Fixers):
For other Rogue Protocol crew or PC Keyrunners see: Crew and Keyrunners
Mistral Noir
Alias Tag: Mistral Noir | Echo-ID: MN7 | Undervine Alias: MN641 | Race: Human
Profile: A keyrunner with sharp instincts who plays her...