Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tertius C. Nargath

    Approved Starship  Upsilon II - Class/D Troop Transport Shuttle

    IMAGE SOURCE: [X] ORIGINAL SHIP: Upsilon Class Command Shuttle PERMISSIONS: HPI, FAE STANDARD FEATURES STRUCTURAL: Length: 24m, Width: 15.8m, Height: 39.3m (with wings extended) Druetium reinforced Ersteel SLCA skeletal frame Tetra-polycarbonite Lamellar compound coated Seigurium Light...
  2. Upsilon Ha'rangir

    Character  Upsilon Ha'Rangir

    UPSILON Theme X Full Name Upsilon Han'Rangir Alias(es) None Title(s) Doctor Class(es) Physicist Geneticist Armorsmith Weaponsmith Origin Columus [Birth] Roche [Residnet] Age Unknown Rank(s) Forgemaster Faction(s) Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders Species Columi...
  3. Vianca Mecetti

    Approved NPC  Mecrosa Order - Upsilon Assault Force

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To depict the Mecrosa Order's Upsilon Assault Force Image Credit: prompted by me Role: Covert Strike Team for the Mecrosa Order Permissions: NA Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Mecrosa...
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