Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Karrys

    Character  Karrys Stohl

    "If there's one thing I have in abundance, darling, it's time. You might want to find something else to use against me." General Information: Name: Karrys Age: I've been around. Eternally 24. Height: 176cm Species: Greater Sanguinius Vampirika Race: Balaur Bloodline: Gilost /...
  2. Salty Warren

    an encounter with a vampire?

    Good morning, I come to offer you a little game with Salty Warren, she would need to meet other people and any type of game is welcome, trader, you can sell to her, force user, we can discuss, fight, exchange, or she can hunt too, it's up to you, I'd be delighted to write with you and launch...
  3. Salty Warren

    Character  Salty Warren

    Salty Warren Age: 23 years Species: Vampire Gender: Female Height: 1m68 Weight: 58 kgs Force Sensitive: Extremely Planet home : Dromund Kaas I have a rather defined physique. My eyes are cyan, with a piercing and cold gaze, like ice. I am quite tall and slender, and I stand out easily in a...
  4. Thelma Goth

    Private  City of the Dead

    Thelma's Tailoring was a little shop with a quaint painted sign hanging above the door. Inside the recently repaired display window, a droid was changing the clothes on a pair of pale, faceless mannequins, swapping them for the latest fall fashions. The surrounding businesses were in worse...
  5. Countess Anétresya

    LFG  Juz a bite pretty pls?

    Spooky season is here! My character here is a Sangnir, there is a lot of lore on it if you like to have a read. I’m looking specifically to scratch a dark fantasy rp itch, an idea where my character has a little nibble on yours. I was a big vampire diaries fan as a teen… x.x might headcanon...
  6. Darth Moskvin

    Approved Tech  The Vampire Crystal

    SPECIAL FEATURES Force Drain: When added to a lightsbaer, the crystal allows the wielder to drain the life Force energy from another, and absorbing it into herself; thus, also strengthening her connection to the Dark Side. Mental Assault: When the lightsaber is powered up, the aligned crystal...
  7. Countess Anétresya

    Discussion  [Interest Check] Dark Fantasy Vampire Masquerade Gala

    This masquerade gala will take place in Nar Shaddaa. It is a low-profile event, due to the nature of the guest, with its upcoming talked about mostly through niche circles and societies. Grand invitation is extended to those of individuals of vampiric species. Those with grand invites are able...
  8. Countess Anétresya

    LFG  threads for a witchy vampire business woman

    recently entirely revamped (no pun intended) this character, so dont mind the 70 posts on her. she is a 124yo sangnir witch who looks mid twenties. she owns this building and has a hold on various planets. while she leans more towards darkside, she is not sith. especially looking for some...
  9. Thelma Goth

    Approved NPC  Byron Devorak

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify an NPC for future RP. Image Credit: Brightly Woven: The Graphic Novel (art by Kit Seaton) Role: Byron Devorak is the top enforcer of Han Werdegast, as well as a powerful bocor, or sorcerer. Permissions: N/A Links: A People's History of Necropolis...
  10. Sycorax Laveaux

    Private  Vampire Politics

    Lamont, Necropolis No custom was more important to the Necropolitan than those rites related to the dead. People on other planets were whisked away as quickly as possible after death, to be burned and their ashes scattered. The Necropolitans buried their dead in the ground with great reverence...
  11. Thelma Goth

    Approved NPC  Han Werdegast

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify an NPC for future RP. Image Credit: Bela Lugosi Role: A corrupt vampire crime lord and politician. Permissions: N/A Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Unknown; a few thousand years old Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User Species: Greater...
  12. Thelma Goth

    Character  Thelma Goth 2.0

    SOCIETAL Name: Thelma Mavis Goth Occupation: Seamstress Homeworld: Dahrtag Faction: Unaffiliated Force Rank: Jedi Knight Force Sensitivity: Yes APPEARANCE Species: Energy Vampire/Psy-Pire Hybrid Age: Young Adult Sex: Female Height: 4'11" Build: Tiny Hair Color: Red...
  13. "Jackal"

    Character  "Jackal"

    padding:15px; text-shadow: 2px 1px #151515; text-align: justify; border: 1px solid; padding: 10px; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #000000); border: 2px solid #151515; border: 1px solid; border-image: url('') 30; font-family: Courier...
  14. Thelma Goth

    Vampire Hybrid - Thelma Goth

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the strengths and weaknesses of my hybrid character. Image Credit: Loles Romero (edited by me) Canon: Energy Vampire Permissions: N/A Links: Thelma Goth GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Thelma Goth - Vampire Hybrid Designation: Sentient Origins...
  15. Adeline Noctua

    Artist  The crypt (The one-stop shop for all things vampiric)

    The one-stop shop for all things vampiric and gothic! Anything under the "free to use" sections is of course all yours to use, anything that isn't will be labeled as "personal" ♥ All requests are to be DM'd to "Jackal" pls and ty ♥
  16. Countess V

    Character  Countess V

    { C O U N T E S S }{ V } Biographical L E G A L - N A M EY V E - S Y N T H Y R E K N O W N - A L I A S E SC O U N T E S S - V | | R I N G - Z E R O A F F I L I A T I O N (S)N O N E R E S I D E N C E (S)C I T A D E L - O F - S O U L S P R O F E S S I O NR U L E R T I T L ES O V E R E I G...
  17. Countess V

    Approved Species  Logikosa | Ascendit Ens

    Intent: Create a Singularity-based vampiric species for those interested in the fusion between organic and technology. Image Credit: Project Vayne and Project Ashe Image - Tumblr Header Background - Dreamstime Header Font: Origin Tech - Dafont Vampire Symbol - Pinterest Canon: N/A Permissions...
  18. R

    First Reply  A Vampire At the Amusement Park

    Rani came to the amusement park alone. A dark-haired slip of a girl in a loose yellow dress, she was swiftly swept away by the current, becoming just another face in the crowd. The strong smell of carnival food made her wrinkle her nose. Perhaps it was too greasy for her tastes. She drifted...
  19. Alina Tremiru

    LFG  Vampire Looking For Threads

    Been a while since I really got into stuff with Alina here, and I'm getting that itch to write her again. So hit me up if yer interested. She's got not a lot going on. Ran from the Sith and is in some kind of limbo on where her story could go. So.. Yeah, there's not too much to actually say. I'm...
  20. Darth Moskvin

    Work In Progress  Vampire Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: 'A personal armor for Djingly Phett') Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)...
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