Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Braze

    Private  Veridia | The Silent Shores of Veridia

    TAGS: Kassogtha Cthylla Braze had known of Veridia long before this mission. He'd been there once, spending an extended period at the old temple—now a serene retreat, restored by Tiri. The temple's peaceful atmosphere made it a refuge, but when rumors surfaced of a dangerous presence...
  2. Braze

    Private  Veridia

    Veridia is a lush planet close to Centerra nestled beyond a treacherous nebula in the unknown regions of space. Threads: Building Dreams on Veridia From Playgrounds to Battlegrounds The Ashlanti Elysium Casual Fisticuffs (Whatever the Paddy Pack is called now) Verge of Veilrift on Veridia...
  3. Braze

    Approved Planet  Veridia

    OOC Info Veridia Dall-E » Intent: To introduce Veridia as a strategic resource hub and a hidden refuge for those seeking knowledge of the Force. The planet embodies a unique blend of traditional governance and societal structures with the onset of modernization and increased interaction with...
  4. Makai Dashiell

    Private  Magic Treehouse

    VERIDIA Braze Day two of treehouse building. On the first day, holes had been dug for the footings and he had poured duracrete and got the frame into place. That needed to cure, the pair calling it a early day so things could be set and ready for the morning. Working on the project so far...
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