Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  Barragan - Class Versatile Assault Carrier

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X] STANDARD FEATURES Meassurements: Length 2,000m, Width 975m, Height 500m Tiber-1 Class Modular Platform Carbonite coated Seigurium angular plating Transparant Tetra-polycarbonite Lamellar Compound viewports Tunqstoid reinforced Ersteel 145 Hull...
  2. Aleratha Tel'alith

    Approved Tech  Coreplast

    SPECIAL FEATURES Its Gel nature allows it amazing stopping ability against kinetic projectiles Slows continuous beam weapons Would if left open to reentry allow the exposed portion to survive but provide no further benefit Is an insulator Non flammable STRENGTHS Gel: Very hight kinetic...
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