Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Sankarra Tomo

    SANKARRA TOMO Age 29 GSY Species Gungan (Half-breed) Gender Male Height 1.75 Meters Weight 70 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice King Willie (Predator 2) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION To the untrained observer, Sankarra looks primarily akin to a typical Otolla Gungan such as Jar-Jar Binks or...
  2. Thelma Goth

    Approved Lore  Necropolitan Voodoo (religion)

    "It's a lonely way, you know, the way of the necromancer. To know too much... The tears of the world." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand upon the canonical traditions, superstitions, and beliefs of Necropolis, ultimately constituting a folk religion. Image Credit: French Quarter...
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