Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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vrak nashar

  1. Vrak Nashar

    A Promise Kept

    Naboo [member="Jamie Pyne"] Revenge was something sweeter than explanation. It was a delicacy that could only be explained to those who had experienced it, something that should be sought, and looked forward to. It lurked always in the back of the mind, a compulsion that tore at you and always...
  2. Vrak Nashar

    The Greatest Challenge

    Stygian Caldera - Unknown World [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak Nashar had killed Sith Lords, he had conquered worlds, he had built an entire Empire, and yet he had never felt quite as challenged as he did now. It had been several months now since he and Seraphina had fled from the Fall of...
  3. Vrak Nashar

    The Emperor's Embrace

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub the Artifact Vrak found on Ord Radama Image Source: Edited Render Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: The Emperor's Embrace Manufacturer: Vitiate Affiliation: Vrak Nashar Modularity: No Production...
  4. Yidhra

    Approved Location  Zûtashwiti Midniusama

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Education is important, kids. ​Image Credit: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Entertainment Canon: / Links: The Riches of Our Ancestor SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Zûtashwiti midniusama Classification: Library / Bat...
  5. C

    Stepping Stone

    Dromund Kaas Klaxons and whistles went off almost continuously as turbulence tossed the nimble vessel around wildly. Outside the forward viewport, Caid's silver-green eyes could plainly see flashes of dangerous lightning at sporadic intervals. Despite the incredibly turbulent nature of the...
  6. Vrak Nashar


    Kaas City [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak stood quietly, his gaze dropping on the scene before him. Hundreds of thousands of workers labored throughout the city, an uncountable number of droids worked through dozens of different work zones. Each of them seemed focused upon their set task...
  7. Vrak Nashar

    Dragons and Chains

    The Slave Markets [member="Melfa Exmoore"] Vrak slowly wandered through the Slave Markets of Zygerria, his lips thin, his person surrounded by half a dozen Red Cloaks. They hovered around him, pushing peasants and lords alike away from him. Some attempted to approach him to gain favor, others...
  8. Vrak Nashar

    Approved Starship  The Tyrant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub Vrak's Personal Harrower Image Source: The Harrower, SWTOR Canon Link: Harrower Class Dreadnought Restricted Missions: No Primary Source: Me, I'm great. Also Rhys and a little bit of Draco. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Resurgent Empire...
  9. Lief

    [Chapter Three] The Call of Ktulu

    Jaguada The Stygian Caldera The fortress towered overhead, view blistered by the dusty winds which threw sand several feet into the air. It might have been an imposing sight had it not stood empty for a great many decades now, and in many ways even with that knowledge it still remained so...
  10. Vrak Nashar

    The Old Ways

    Athiss [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Vrak stood quietly before a small holo-table within the Central Temple of the Sphere of Intelligence. The room was devoid of all life save for himself and one pink Twi'lek who stood eagerly at his side, or perhaps she was slightly bored. The Pureblood could...
  11. Vrak Nashar

    Truth & Lies

    Athiss [member="The Slave"] The rise of The Empire had not stilled Vrak's ambitions by even a hair. He still craved power, strength, and knowledge beyond everything else. To him the Empire was a stepping stone. His seat on the Council was temporary, and eventually it would turn into a singular...
  12. Vrak Nashar

    The Riches of Our Ancestor

    Dromund Kaas [member="Yidhra"] He had always wondered about this world. Dromund Kaas had an odd place in Pureblood history. It wasn't like Korriban or Athiss or even Ziost. This world had not been a part of the ancient Empire wrought by Sadow or Ragnos. It had not been a conquest of Adas. It...
  13. Vrak Nashar

    A Touch of Crimson

    Athiss [member="Sochi Ru"] Vrak had never enjoyed torture. Other Sith got a sadistic sort of pleasure from it, they enjoyed it and reveled in it. For Vrak it was the mark of a lesser being, a butcher enjoyed torture, a true being of power saw it as a means to an end. He did not like breaking...
  14. Vrak Nashar

    Seats of Power

    Athiss [member="Neesa"] The weight of time was crushing to some. It pressed and push upon your shoulders, forcing you down and ensuring that you bent knee. To most the passage of time was a nightmare, something to be ignored until it couldn't any longer. Months, years, decades, all of them...
  15. Vrak Nashar


    Korriban [member="Llevana Helas"] Korriban was often thought of as only two things, The Valley of the Dark Lords and the Ancient Sith Academy. These were the two most visited spots of the planet, the place that all people ventured to when they came here. The fact was not an odd one, they were...
  16. Vrak Nashar


    Athiss [member="Neesa"] Revenge was sweet. There was no better taste, there was no better feeling. Vengeance was something that couldn't be put into words. The quaint sent of relief that flooded over oneself, the power you felt. It was like nothing else in the galaxy. Vrak had really only...
  17. Vrak Nashar

    From The Ashes

    Nathema [member="Yidhra"] They were close now, very close. Things had moved fast lately, faster than when he'd returned from Naboo. Part of it was due to necessity, another part was simply because he had no had resources to spare. A small smile crossed his lips as he slowly looked over expanse...
  18. Vrak Nashar

    Secrets In Red

    Korriz [member="Aria Vale"] The Sith Caldera had for some centuries been an anomaly of it's own. The small sector of space that was mostly marked by it's association with the Sith Empire had long since been called a mystery. Almost every world within the Caldera contained some Remnant of his...
  19. Vrak Nashar

    Blood In The Water

    Korriban [member="Sochi Ru"] Korriban, the ancestral homeworld of the Sith. This was where his people had been born, this was where the Empire had begun. Many people thought that it had once been prosperous, beautiful, perhaps even green, but they were wrong. This world had been ruined long...
  20. Vrak Nashar

    That Which Was Forgotten

    Nathema [member="Yidhra"] The shuttle swooped low over the barren, lifeless waste of a world that was Nathema. Vrak watched out of the viewport in his meditation chamber, his eyes following the curve of the planet as they drew closer to the desert surface. His lips thinned slightly, the force...
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