Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. United Imperia

    Work In Progress  DIE/dyn Warlord | UNITED IMPERIA

    DIE/dyn Warlord OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a legally distinctive and budget-friendly alternative to the legendary TIE line of starcraft! Image Source: Star Wars Archives: Eps I-III: 1999-2005 by Paul Duncan - Unboxing by Author Canon Link: TIE Light Duty Advanced...
  2. Azmodan

    Character  Azmodan

    NAME: Akrixes Der Yujai ALIAS: Azmodan AGE: 476 SPECIES: Xarix Cyborg HEIGHT: 8' 3" (2.5m) WEIGHT: 525 lbs (239 kg) FORCE SENSITIVE: Negative AFFILIATIONS: The Xarixi Corps, Confederacy of Independent Systems RANK: High General of the Xarixi Corps PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION High General Azmodan is...
  3. Kaleb Sunwalker

    Public  Warlord Unbound

    CAPTURED! Marlon Sularen has been missing in action since the Battle of Coruscant. On his way to trial would the Warlord of the Empire become captured by the "Forgotten Sons." An extremist group originating from Corellia and have kept infamous Warlord behind an undisclosed location... Until now...
  4. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Rok'taan

    ROK'TAAN Age 38 GSY Species Grysk Gender Male Height 1.98 Meters Weight 91 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Azog the Defilier (Manu Bennett) INVENTORY Equipment A set of Fenelar armor A pair of Grysk-made vibroblades A custom maser pistol, made from a Chiss charric Various Grysk...
  5. Onrai

    Private  From One Warlord to Another

    Urienz Tyrael Unknown Regions It was quite rare for Onrai to be fortunate enough to have a true precognitive moment. Certainly there was much she knew, particularly about things forbidden to most in the past and in the present, but the future, fickle as it was, still remained elusive. She had...
  6. S

    Storm over Corsin: Prologue

    Onboard the command bridge, standing tall and proud with hands clasped behind him was a gray uniformed elderly Lorrdian with reddish skin. His beard was a mixture of gray and white. Looking through the viewpoint displaying the brightness and blue of lightspeed. The admiral's right eye twitched...
  7. Argilac

    Character  Argilac

    ARGILAC Theme def rebel - Head of the Table (Piano Mix) | Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar | Blue Öyster Cult - Then Came the Last Days of May Full Name Argilac Alias The Last Storm of Dubrillion Class(es) Sentinel Warlord Birthplace Dubrillion, Bright Jewel Sector, Mid Rim Age 51 (900...
  8. D

    LFG  Penny for your Warlord

    Hello! I am starting to find the inspiration and groove for my first attempt at a Star Wars character(lots of medieval sites before this one), and am wanting to get a few stories rolling with him. I am looking to play around with some character ideas and want to explore the possibilities of a...
  9. W

    Character  Nyâsh - Warlord of the An'fâug'lir

    Lord Nyâsh Name: Magyar Iravraks Title(s): Lord Nyâsh, Warmaster of An'fâug'lir Species: Baedurin-Aeravali Halfbreed Age: 47 Years (claimed) Height: ~ 2,88 meters Body: Muscular Skin: Unknown Eyes: Unknown Hair: Unknown Nyâsh is devoted to the ideal of the Fell, an approach to...
  10. Ivan Cestius

    Approved Lore  Dvar Imperial Remnant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a First Order remnant under Ivan Cestius Image Credit: Wookieepedia (edits by me) [x] [x] Canon: n/a Permissions: n/a Links: Found throughout submission GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Dvar Imperial Remnant Classification: Rump state...
  11. Credit Wizard

    Queek Skullcrusher | The Skraal Warlord

    OVERVIEW Name Queek Skullcrusher Age Group Adult Position Third Seat of Skraalzzar Homeworld Coruscant BIOLOGY Sex Male Species Skraal Force Sensitive Non-Sensitive Eyes Red Eyes Height & Weight Height (5'9 feet) Weight (200 pounds) Build Muscular Biography...
  12. Prax Elvros

    Character  Thaurond

    THAUROND Faction Brotherhood of the Maw Birthplace Exegol Age 35 GSY Occupation Warlord Home Nomadic Species Kalzerian Gender Male Force Sensitive Yes Height 2.11 Meters Weight 95 kg Hair Color Black Eye Color Yellow Skin Color Ashen Grey Voice Michael McConnohie as...
  13. Irratar Hemstagon

    Character  Irratar Hemstagon, the Black Prince of Kardir

    NAME: Irratar Hemstagon, the Black Prince of Kardir FACTION: The Athysian League, Kardir Hive City-State RANK: Phoa (Dark Side Adept) SPECIES: Human (Athysian) AGE: 45 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1,93m. WEIGHT: 95kg. EYES: Black, Yellow when under the influence of the Dark Side HAIR: Bald SKIN...
  14. The Brotherhood of the Maw

    The Brotherhood of the Maw

    The Brotherhood of the Maw is an active, nomadic confederation of scavenging marauders, wasteland warlords, and overzealous cultists. Based in the Unknown Regions on the edges of known space, the Brotherhood wreak havoc in a crusade across the stars. An absolutely fanatic group, dedicated to the...
  15. G

    Character  The Ghoul of Moridinae | Warlords of the Sith | Body Horror TW

    T H E _ G H O U L _ O F _ M O R I D I N A E NAME: [REDACTED] FACTIONS: Warlords of the Sith RANK: Sith Lord SPECIES: Sithspawn | Force Entity AGE: [REDACTED] SEX: [REDACTED] HOMEWORLD: Moridinae HEIGHT: 6'4, full height, normally hunched over. WEIGHT: 200 lbs EYES: Eight red orbs...
  16. Prax Elvros

    Character  Maweth

    M A W E T H Aliases Faction Brotherhood of the Maw BirthplaceTatooine Age37 GSY OccupationWarlord HomeNomadic SpeciesNear-Human (Baseline Human x Ubese hybrid) GenderMale Force SensitiveYes Height1.85 Meters Weight93 kg Hair ColorBlack...
  17. F

    Character  Fiolette Minerva Fortan

  18. Tesari Nuema

    Tesari Nuema

    NAME: Tesari Nuema FACTION: Black Suns RANK: Enforcer SPECIES: Jilruan HOMEWORLD: Jilrua AGE: 39 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 7"2 WEIGHT: 197 EYES: Yellow HAIR: Silver SKIN: Blue FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : ​+ LOYAL:​ From years of servitude to...
  19. L

    Lyra Hawke

    Grand Moff Lyra Hawke NAME: Lyra Hawke FACTION: The Imperial Federation (Imperial State of Jakku) RANK: Grand Moff/Warlord SPECIES: Human AGE: 32 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 6ft PHYSIQUE: Athletic/Feminine EYES: Blue HAIR: Red SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, though unaware of it...
  20. Syoh Pa

    Yesukhei Khaan

    {(YESUKHEI | KHAAN)} “Not even a mighty warrior can break a frail arrow when it is multiplied and supported by its fellows. As long as you brothers support one another and render assistance to one another, your enemies can never gain the victory over you.” -Genghis Khan {(FACTION)} Eternal...
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