Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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western cluster

Far from civilisation, a cluster of stars and planets in the Outer Rim

The Western Mintaani Cluster is a sandbox environment for more western themed star wars stories. Follow the tag to see more threads and read more about the setting:

  1. S

    Public  Welcome to Siren City

    ATERA SIREN CITY Sidra exhaled quickly through pursed lips and pinched the bridge of her nose. Siren City was one of the main trade hubs in this star-cluster, where trade flowed in from the Unknown Regions and then to the other nearby worlds. This meant, in theory, the Interstellar...
  2. E

    Private  Tombstones

    THREE DAYS PRIOR... “Today we mourn the death of Marshal Cliff Talbot. May he Rest In Peace…” The citizens of Dakam Hill hadn't been expecting to break dirt here so soon. Hilltop cemetery now had its first occupant, a lonely grave marked with a wooden marker. The priest looked down at the...
  3. Kairon Rees

    Do you want a small discord to discuss stories?

    React love for yes React Cringe for no
  4. E

    Character  Elea Dorado

    ELEA DORADO NAME: Elea Dorado FACTION: Western Cluster RANK: N/A SPECIES: Human AGE: Late 20's SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 125 lbs EYES: Blue HAIR: Sandy-blonde, brown SKIN: Fair, but tan-ish FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : (+) Hell-bent...
  5. Kairon Rees

    Faction  The Last Leg

    Atera, Western Cluster "What do you mean, this isn't the drop off point?" Kairon asked incredulously. He was stood on the loading ramp of his ship, The Quintessence. Jinneti, his rodian contact didn't smile. There was a subtle shift in his demeanor that suggested a smug smile. "[Did you check...
  6. Trextan Voidstalker

    First Reply  The wrong bar

    Riley's moon, Western Cluster It wasn't the worst bar he had ever stepped into. Since the collapse of the Galactic Alliance, Trextan had been learning from Choli's former mentor about the ways of the Wardens of the Sky. He had been travelling, trying to do some good wherever he ended up...
  7. The Western Cluster

    The Western Cluster

    The Western Mintaati Cluster is a long way from the nearest hyperspace route to the core. It consists of three main star systems in orbit around a single black hole. The gravitational shear makes hyperdrive use complicated and so travel between systems usually takes a few days at sublight...
  8. Trextan Voidstalker

    LFG  Wild West

    So there's some pretty cool Cyberpunk shenanigans going on, but I had an idea for a similarly contained wild west theme. Here's the elevator pitch: We make a limited Sandbox playground. A few systems, a handful of worlds. We flesh out a little bit about this frontier region, the dangers, some...
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