Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kei Amadis

    Kashyyyk will never die.

    The Holonet crackled to life—static-laced, glitching, the battered face of a grizzled Jedi Master staring down the feed. Blood streaked his temple, a fresh bruise blooming across his jaw. Behind him, Kashyyyk burned—jungle canopies ablaze, smoke curling into a bruised sky. The distant...
  2. Kei Amadis

    First Reply  Old Home Callings

    Muse Music Kashyyyk Remote Lake Morning Hammering away at a simple log cabin would be where you'd find Kei most days—a few simple houses for close friends around a distant lake. Fixing a door, mending some steps, and helping keep the gardens and nearby temple clean, guarded, and staffed...
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