Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ova Ziss

    Duel  Explosive Impact: Cord Starfall vs Ova Ziss [Private]

    Credits: Me! Created using and mad photoshop skillz. Objective: Secure Sayu Ni Enclave Location: Dantooine Sayu Ni Temple, Dantooine System Factions Involved: Witches of Dathomir (Independent) - Space Wolves (Diarchy) Tags: Cord Starfall Explosive Impact Ova Ziss got onto a...
  2. Wight Star

    Public  Witch Trials

    LOCATION: Dathomir The Venator Class Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace above Dathomir. There it was poised as vessel to bring The King to the Kingdom of Witches in this galaxy. Here the Mothers of Peridea had long ago come and establsihed their covens, with the Nightbrothers forming their...
  3. The Witches of Dathomir

    The Witches of Dathomir

    This is hub for all covens and Witches. Our Discord:
  4. Magdalena Bloodscrawl

    Private  The Witch of Kashyyyk

    Persona: Witch of Kashyyyk (See Bio) Wearing: Armorweave Catsuit (Ultra Reflective Crimson) Armed With: Obsolete Blaster SMG Nightsister Energy Bow Pistol BWE Energy Rapier Energized Vibroblade Gauntlet Objective: Explore Earlier... Magda Crownwraithe, an aspect of The Sorceress of Ossus...
  5. Darth Moskvin

    Approved Armor  Shroud of the Witch

    Imag Source: XX DESCRIPTION Deep in the dank, cold dungeons of her lab known as The Hollow, the Sith Witch took a simple black gothic outfit stitched together from Dathomiri spider silk and Umbraspider silk and weaving her dark magic to alchemize it. The main component of the outfit is the...
  6. E

    Character  Ellesime Zardai

  7. Lucette

    Character  Lucette

    "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." — Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland fa-play fa-pause
  8. Jonyna Si

    LFG  Fightin' An Ice Witch (Jedi, or Jedi Associates only.)

    Following up on something from Jonyna's backstory, this will be the master level ice witch that put Jonyna in the freezer for 900 years. She's most likely gonna try and Ice Age a lesser used planet, so we can fight her. I plan to make this a one off PC that anyone who signs up might get the...
  9. Countess Anétresya

    LFG  threads for a witchy vampire business woman

    recently entirely revamped (no pun intended) this character, so dont mind the 70 posts on her. she is a 124yo sangnir witch who looks mid twenties. she owns this building and has a hold on various planets. while she leans more towards darkside, she is not sith. especially looking for some...
  10. Moff Evner Braxiatel

    Private  The Imperial Cabal chapter III | The Moff, The Witch and the Imperial Stronghold

    NYRIAAN Imperial Headquarters The pure devotion to the Imperialist ideology made Moff Braxiatel do the unthinkable: he would, although very roughly, try to politic with the Moff aberration known as Onrai. He had seen her in action during Warlord Sularen's rescue, and she was quite efficient...
  11. Kaila Irons

    Character  Kaila Irons - Darth Anathemous(Reboot Edition)

    I (Commission by Atc-Illustration) II (Commission by Atc-Illustration) III ANATHEMOUS Name(s): Darth Anathemous Kaila "Irons" Class Warrior-sorceress Birthplace Unknown Age Twenties Rank Governor Faction Sith Order Home Echnos city Species Vahla-Dathomirian mix...
  12. R

    Character  Narissia Romé

    || BACKGROUND || Theme: TBA Name: Narissia Romé Alias(es): Narissia the Red, High Priestess Class(es): Religious/Cult Leader, Witch Birthplace: Yitabo Force Sensitive: yes Force Alignment: Dark Side || PHYSICAL PROFILE || Species: Dathomirian Age: 130s Gender: Female Height: 5'9” Weight: 144lbs...
  13. Dreidi Xeraic

    First Reply  Enchanting, Bewitching and Mystical - A Witch on Coruscant

    Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Companion: Grisial Outfit: Jedi Attire Equipment: Lightsaber Tag: Open Enchantments were becoming more of an interest to Dreidi as she learned more about Magick. Imbuing charms and trinkets with her Magick in order to offer simple protection, akin to energy...
  14. S

    Seasonal  The Night Solstice

    TAG: Zaylin Asaaj En Kelsani Lun Nerare Grim Zuvot Astrid pentoghast Melinda Dealla On Dathomir there is an ancient tradition, The Night Solstice. It is said during this time the Spirit Ichor rises and turns the Four Moons, including Korates, green with light. When all four illuminate in...
  15. Sofiel

    LFG  The White Witch And Threads

    I love writing Sith. It's a constant back and forth with how long I write them, but that's the same with virtually all my characters save for Kahlil, but the Sith have always had a special place in my heart. I haven't always liked where I was writing Sith, though, so I'm trying something new...
  16. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  The Touch of a Witch

    Location: GA Space Attire: Jedi Robes Companion: Grisial Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow Tag: Lila Doneeta Refugees were coming in from Rodia after the attack by the Mandalorians and Dreidi was not too surprised to hear about the aggression displayed by them. She had heard plenty...
  17. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  The Princess and the Witch

    Location: Ukatis Outfit: Witch attire Equipment: Lightsaber Tag: Corazona von Ascania After briefly seeing Corazona at the festival on Ukatis, Dreidi decided it would be to actually arrange some time from her pilgrimage and visit her friend properly. Spend some time catching up and ensuring...
  18. Kaprosuchus96

    Character  Ethelin - The Pale Witch

    Ethelin Aliases The Pale Witch Species Dathomirian Class Witch Gender Female Age Young Adult Height 5' 6" Build Lean Birthplace Dathomir Force Sensitive Yes Factions(s) N/A Languages Galactic Basic Character Alignment Neutral Personality Traits Impassive Logical...
  19. Darth Vyle

    Character  Darth Vyle

    N A M EFayre Kymeri A L I A SDarth Vyle, Faye, Fay H O M E W O R L DDathomir S P E C I E SHuman S E XFemale A G EMid-to-late 20s H E I G H T5'6" W E I G H T123 lbs H A I RRed L O Y A L T YSith Order Darth Vyle, born Fayre Kymeri, is a Force-sensitive human female and a Sith witch, holding the...
  20. V

    Private  Meeting With a Witch

    Travel was quite hard without owning a ship, but Vakim had found a way and started to take a few outings to various planets. His most recent one was to Dathomir. A remote, but well known planet that he had been curious of for a while, having heard and read stories about the night sisters, and...
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