Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tirin Raene

    Discussion  Jedi Academy / Jedi Schools

    I'm in the process of reworking my Jedi Academy concept to transform it into a more open-ended educational network. The goal is to create a collaborative and accessible system for training and knowledge-sharing across the galaxy, rather than focusing on a single centralized location. To that...
  2. Serina Calis

    Private  Many hands make light work...

    Equipment: Traditional Jedi Robes with hood. (Beige and Brown), Lightsaber (Aqua), Location: Coruscant, undisclosed bar. Tag: Cait Tulyenal In the dimly lit depths of a lower-level Coruscant bar, Serina Calis sat alone at a small, secluded table. Her hood was pulled low, shadowing her face, a...
  3. Cait Tulyenal

    LFG  Freelance Bounty Hunter Looking for Work

    Title says it all. Cait is a freelance, factionless Bounty Hunter looking to expand her list of contacts, clients and associates. If you have a job you think she might be interested in or would like to simply get to know her feel free to reply here or via DM.
  4. Lorian Aldaris

    LFG  Work, Adventure or some RnR

    Hello there! New member of the forum here. I've only recently completed my intro for Lorian and am now looking for some more roleplay opportunities. Be it completing some kind of job, going on a spontaneous adventure or just some pure relaxation and getting to know someone new (or a mix of them...
  5. Connel Vanagor


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the next level of Jedi Enclave located on Kashyykk. Image Credit: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, and Here. Canon: Jedi Enclaves Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Shadow Temple Classification: Temple...
  6. Ajinar Djo

    Private  Many Hands Make Light Work

    NJO TEMPLE ☛ CORUSCANT ☛ CORE WORLDS Efret Farr Finally making good on his three-year old promise to his cousin Briana Sal-Soren to invest more in his own fulfillment and happiness, investing in wiping away the honestly bleak outlook for his future on Hapes as not only a man, but a half-Hapan...
  7. Judah Lesan

    LOA  Work Calls

    I will be out of the country for about a week. That means my presence on the site will be limited from 1/21-26. I will have Wi-Fi which means I’ll be on discord if needed.
  8. Danger Arceneau

    Work In Progress  Danger's Work in Progress

    Myra Elspeth Korden Arceneau Kuhn Birthplace Age Young Adult Occupation Business Heiress Faction Independent Home Chandrila Species Human Gender Female Force Sensitive No Height 1.75m Weight 60 Kg Hair Color Light brown with auburn highlights Eye Color Gray Skin Color...
  9. Fitz Jarro

    LFG  Where can an honest scoundrel find work these days?

    Heya! I am new to all this and I can't seem to find any threads that would have the 'bounty' tag. Is it okay of one joins a public thread. does one ask permission, or...? I'm sorry, this is all just a bit overwhelming haha
  10. Tru Accardi

    First Reply  Humdrum Realities

    Location: Space Port Cinnagar, Empress Teta Time: 12:30 AM (Empress Teta Time) Theme: Work Tru stepped off the company transport that brought her back from the Carbonite Smelter in orbit around Empress Teta. She was wearing her work jumpsuit overhauls covered in rock dust, a byproduct of...
  11. Kadann

    Private  Busy Work

    Ashé Fenn Kadann walked with purpose towards his ship. He did not move with haste, but his gait was still able to convey his determination. He had a simple task to carry out and saw no reason to tarry. A group of sith cultists had stumbled upon a treasure. An old holocron that had slipped...
  12. Korn Kray'ac

    Private  Merc Work

    A bar on Nar Shaddaa. Typical, really. Fistful of whiskey. Fitting, clearly, given the heart. “Golden”, the words came in basic for the name of the cantina, with words spread apart. Mixed bag of languages, fitting for a galaxy that was a mishmash of species and cultures. It was a cantina, simply...
  13. SKR-13

    A Murderous Droid Seeking Work or Purpose

    Hello everyone! I'm a new-comer in the forum site, drawn with by both my interest in Star Wars and my desire to roleplay! I've just made a new character, a mercenary/bounty-hunting droid and am open to any would be interested in interacting or hiring with the droid for whatever purpose or job...
  14. Vulpesen

    Public  Wroshyr Work

    For almost as long as he could remember, Vulpesen had hated the sith. Even when hate was forbidden to him by the jedi code, he had found it coiled in his heart like a serpent, ready to spring. But the sith were the antithesis of everything he believed. They were pure evil and they, perhaps even...
  15. C

    LFG  Looking for mercenary work

    Hello. I'm looking for mercenary work for this guy to do, I just made him.
  16. Avelion

    LOA  Brief Work LOA

    Ok so I officially have to do this now. I unfortunately have to take a short LOA. Work has got my whole team working overtime cause deadlines, so there's not really time for me to actually knock out posts rn. It should ease up after Easter Weekend (round about 10 April), so here's hoping...
  17. Elmer Miller

    LFG  Looking for Work (Spy)

    Hello my name is Elmer Miller, I'm an ex-resistance fighter and I am an under-cover spy. I'm looking for any job openings.
  18. Holly Starstorm

    LFG  All Work and No Play Makes Holly a Dull Girl

    As I consider new characters I realized I could be doing more with my existing characters as well. I would like to develop Holly more. The essential problem with this character is that she is an HNN reporter and what inevitably ends up happening is I get tons of interview requests and then I...
  19. Sorr Kortu

    Private  We Can't Expect Ashla to do all of the Work

    Location: D'Qar "Hey kid!" Sorr saw a middle-aged man approach him, just recently the young man received a contract a few days ago from a faction called: The Rimward Trade League. They were a mix of businessman, space explorers, and law enforcers. Sorr was a little nervous at first since he...
  20. Grendel Krayt

    LFG  Seeking Work

    I was wondering if anyone would like a Mighty Massive Mercenary Mandalorian to join them in anything
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