Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Carduul Akahl

    Work In Progress  Carduul's Mandalorian Workshop

    just gonna be workshopping lore and codex entries for the future... if you see this join the neo-crusaders they're cool
  2. Soundwave

    Work In Progress  Soundwave's Workshop of Horrors

    Surface of Ballus Prime OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To codify the homeworld for the Barythians. | Image Credit | Source | Canon | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Links | Barythian Temporus Dragons Phatrong GENERAL INFORMATION | Planet Name | Ballus Prime | Demonym | Barythian |...
  3. Lycus Merita

    Work In Progress  GA-Related Workshop and Other Stuff

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Task Force for Fleet Captain Spruance Image Credit: N/A Permissions: Republic Engineering War Manifest Links: The Galactic Alliance GADF Operation Shadow Hand Hope Never Dies Isoroku Spruance GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Task Force...
  4. Serina Calis

    Serina Calis Workshop

    A workshop dedicated to Serina and all her fun gear!
  5. Sarah Vax

    Vax Holdings and subsidiaries Workshop

    A workshop for Vax Holdings and all subsidiary companies.

    IMPERA Factory Workshop

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an experimental warship for the Dark Empire Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writers' submissions as part of the submission) Primary Source...
  7. Efret Farr

    Work In Progress  Efret's pre-factory workshop

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Build upon the canon/legends established lore for a type of kyber crystal Image Source: Star Wars: Dark Dreams wiki entry on Lorrdian gemstones Edited with Canva by me Canon Link: Lorrdian gemstones Permissions: No permissions Primary Source: None...
  8. Braze


    Item Description Category Aerial Sensor A device that detects aerial objects for tracking or engagement. Sensor and Targeting Systems Altitude Limiter Limits altitude to prevent crashes or breaches in atmosphere. Safety Systems Antisepsis Field A field that sterilizes and cleanses areas of...
  9. Aerin Denno

    Work In Progress  Aerin’s Workshop

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out the capital of Kabal Image Credit: [HERE] Canon: Shoribus Permissions: n/a Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the...
  10. Bigfatpenn

    Work In Progress  Bigfatpenn's Workshop

  11. Ingrid L'lerim

    Artist  Ingrid's divider workshop (no request here)

    This thread is where the various Faction/Company/Personal divider sets with table of contents can be found. For continuity, please don't post in this thread, continue to post requests in the old thread or message me on Discord. Thank you for your understanding!
  12. Ingrid L'lerim

    Artist  Ingrid's headers workshop (no request here)

    This thread is where the various Factory/Codex/Bio header sets with table of contents can be found. For continuity, please don't post in this thread, continue to post requests in the old thread or message me on Discord. Thank you for your understanding!
  13. Rakvul

    Rakvul's Workshop

    Intent: To create a new, terrifying war beast for the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate Image Credit: Headers - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Click - Bento Ribeiro Canon: N/A Permissions: Links: Ravager Brute Dreddikast Ik'straktor Agragost Skag Name: Kyn'arak Destroyer Designation...
  14. Ingrid L'lerim

    Artist  Nef / Ingrid's Workshop Centre

    I would like to organize all my graphic (and possibly future code/template threads) threads in one place transparently, using the chapters feature. So this will be the Table of Contents thread. For this reason, please do not write anything here. And I'll mention it here: Still no answer from...
  15. Baron Von Nuked

    Work In Progress  Baron's Workshop

    This is my codex workshop. Any WIPs I have for the Codex will go here. BVNuked
  16. Karl Von Strauss

    Work In Progress  Karl Von Strauss' Workshop, NCE Projects

    This is where all my WIPs will be posted now, instead of multiple posts.
  17. Soren Ee’everwest

    Work In Progress  Soren's Workshop

    • S O R E N ' S - W O R K S H O P • A place where I make things, break things, and (occasionally) bake things! ~ Please DM me any requests or questions you may have ~ C O M P A N I E S Theed Palace Engineering Corps F A C T O R Y Laureate-class Science Corvette S-4 Naboo Scout Fighter C O D...
  18. Tobi Sharpe

    Work In Progress  Tobi Sharpe's Workshop

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION | Intent | To make a personal cybernetic for Tobi Sharpe. | Image Source | [ x ] | Canon Link | N/A | Permissions | N/A | Primary Source | Mechno Arm Cybernetics PRODUCTION INFORMATION | Manufacturer | Tobi Sharpe | Affiliation | Tobi Sharpe | Market Status...
  19. Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

    Teresa headers

    Headers (Any specific ones just ask and I will make as needed)


    PLANET LOCATION -- alvaria palace -- nouqai's cavern SPECIES -- parasite -- nouqai's serpent -- nouqai's sea dragon -- falentra's children LORE -- valmarr guard NPC TEMPLATE LINKS Species Creation Location Creation Planet Creation Lore Creation
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