Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. S

    Codex Denied  Dactylifera Ignis Magna

    [IMAGE] Intent: To create a new species for future roleplay and development and a toned down version of the Starbird. Image Credit: Wei Gun | ArtStation | Edits and Dividers Done by Myself Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yesmireen Name: Dactylifera Ignis Magna Designation: Semi-Sentient...
  2. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Tech  Vriashta Crystal

    V r i a s h t a C r y s t a l Out of Character Intent: To create a new crystal unique to the planet Yesmireen Image Source: Crystal | Background | Edits made by myself Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Production Information Manufacturer: Naturally Occurring (Yesmireen) Affiliation...
  3. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Species  Immerin

    I M M E R I N Intent: To create a new species and further flesh out and develop the story and lore behind the planet Yesmireen Image Credit: Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Dividers made by myself Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yesmireen Name: Immerin Designation: Sentient...
  4. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Species  Saud Dis

    S a u d D i s Intent: To create a new species of fauna to further flesh out the planet of Yesmireen Image Credit: Decadia | Azany | Edits & Dividers made by myself Canon: N/A Permission(s): N/A Link(s): Yesmireen | Molgeth | Midwan | Vriashta Crystal | Vriashta Serrisht Name: Saud Dis...
  5. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Location  Molgeth

    M O L G E T H (Scourge of Darkness) Out of Character Information: Intent: To create a minor Force Nexus to cater to the lore and conditions of the planet Yesmireen Image Credit: ArtStation | Drock Nicotine Canon: N/A Links: Yesmireen | Serin Setting Information: Nexus Name: Molgeth Nexus...
  6. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Location  Serin

    S E R I N (The Breath of Light) Out of Character Information: Intent: To create a minor Force Nexus to cater to the lore and conditions of the planet Yesmireen Image Credit: ArtStation | Drock Nicotine Canon: N/A Link: Yesmireen | Molgeth Setting Information: Nexus Name: Serin Nexus...
  7. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Location  Galacot City

    G A L A C O T | C I T Y (Yesmireen Capital) Out of Character Information: Intent: To further flesh out the planet of Yesmireen Image Source: ArtStation | Drock Nicotine (All images can be found in same album) Canon: N/A Links: Yesmireen Setting Information: City Name: Galacot City...
  8. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Location  Wiri

    W I R I (Fortress of Passing) Out of Character Information: Intent: To further flesh out the planet of Yesmireen Image Credit: ArtStation | Drock Nicotine Canon: N/A Links: Yesmireen Setting Information: City Name: Wiri Classification: Ancient City Location: Yesmireen Affiliation...
  9. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Location  Midwan

    M I D W A N (Temple of Power) Out of Character Information: Intent: To flesh out the planet Yesmireen Image Credit: ArtStation | Drock Nicotine Canon: N/A Links: Yesmireen Setting Information: Structure Name: Midwan Classification: Temple Location: Yesmireen Affiliation: Yesmireen...
  10. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Location  Muzutsi

    M U Z U T S I (Wastelands) Out of Character Information: Intent: To flesh out the planet Yesmireen Image Credit: ArtStation | Drock Nicotine Canon: N/A Links: Yesmireen Setting Information: Landmark Name: Muzutsi Classification: Wastelands Location: Yesmireen Affiliation: Yesmireen Size...
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