Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Yidhra

    Approved Species  Shasonija ra [The Unmade]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Scar some eyeballs, make a cool cosmic horror. ​Image Credit: Oats Studios – Zygote Vol. 1 | Edits by me Canon: / Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Shasonija ra [The Unmade] Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Raekkar, Athiss Language: High...
  2. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Kûtsayakir | Death’s lover

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Fulfil a commission. Image Source: X | Edited by yours truly Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: Purity Personified Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Arma’ratswasanttû Model: Kûtsayakir | Death’s lover Affiliation...
  3. Yidhra


    Raekkar :: Igol Raekkar wasn’t the first choice of homely for anyone. Except maybe Purebloods, and even then only those with particularly solitary inclinations. Yidhra didn’t much care for company. (Unless you counted unwilling test subjects. Then she had plenty.) The halls of Igol were full...
  4. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Orenkamen

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Ritual dagger. Image Source: X Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: Orenkamen Affiliation: The Sith Empire Modularity: / Production: Semi-unique Material: Alchemized...
  5. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Nars’ursjontû (Through Tooth and Bone)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Submit a ‘robe’. Image Source: Anthony Jones Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: Nars’ursjontû (Through Tooth and Bone) Affiliation: Yidhra Modularity: / Production...
  6. Subject 37

    Seeding Chaos

    Outer Rim - Xira Shadowport [member="Blackthorne"] Pirates. They were always a lovely bunch of people, the kind that would fit right in with The Legion of the Damned. Had his fortunes gone a little differently, if Lord Nashar hadn't found him, he might have become a pirate himself. The...
  7. Subject 37

    Approved Location  Raekkar Industrial Zone

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub Raekkar's Industrial Sector ​Image Credit: Zoran Cvetkovic Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Raekkar Industrial Zone Classification: Factory Location: Raekkar Affiliation: Yidhra, Legion of the Damned Accessibility: Raekkar's...
  8. Yidhra

    Approved Species  Wira Siqsa (Spined Demon)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: New brand of cannon fodder. ​Image Credit: Antonio José Manzanedo; Daemon Canon: / Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Wira Siqsa Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Athiss and Raekkar Language: / Average Lifespan: 30 Estimated Population...
  9. Subject 37

    Those Left Behind

    Dromund Kaas - Orbit [member="Yidhra"] A frown slowly pulled at his lips, his eyes fixed on the world below. The Empire had fallen into pieces. After their victory on Serenno Lord Niril of the Council had decided the time was ripe for him take over, he'd used his fleets to assault Korriban...
  10. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Nairidira (Fearmonger)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An artifact that empowers Illusions. Image Source: X Canon Link: X | X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: X PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: / Affiliation: Yidhra Modularity: / Production: Unique Material: Alchemized Mustafar Obsidian...
  11. Yidhra

    Approved Location  Asijisis diâ Miara, Ari ant Ansi (Mastery and Domain, Lord on High)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish the history and location of the Dottash dwelling. ​Image Credit: Matt Rhodes Canon: / Links: Yidhra, Ananotia SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Asijisis diâ Miara, Ari ant Ansi Classification: Palace/Fortress Location: Athiss Affiliation...
  12. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Wisa-ziji tzihra

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A useful tool for Hidden Hand agents. Image Source: X Canon Link: X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Model: / Affiliation: The Resurgent Empire (Sphere of Intelligence) Modularity: /...
  13. Yidhra

    Seizure of Power ATHISS :: RIZÛTI KÛRS Holding together by stitches. That’s how she felt. Like any moment, her flesh and lifeblood might start spilling out again. Feth dammit. Unbidden, her amber gaze flickered down to the stump of her right leg. The bastard...
  14. Yidhra

    Approved Location  Zûtashwiti Midniusama

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Education is important, kids. ​Image Credit: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Entertainment Canon: / Links: The Riches of Our Ancestor SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Zûtashwiti midniusama Classification: Library / Bat...
  15. Yidhra

    Approved Species  Sheoggoth

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub the fruits of Yidhra’s experiments. ​Image Credit: X | X | X | X | X Canon: X Links: / GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Sheoggoth Designation: Semi-sentient (very very very rarely Sentient) Homeworld: Technically none, as they are alchemized...
  16. Yidhra

    Approved Tech  Sosûtiyizatsa

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub some more creepy Sith alchemy. Image Source: Legend of Korra, Nickelodeon Canon Link: X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yidhra Dottash Model: / Affiliation: Yidhra Dottash Modularity: No...
  17. Vrak Nashar

    The Riches of Our Ancestor

    Dromund Kaas [member="Yidhra"] He had always wondered about this world. Dromund Kaas had an odd place in Pureblood history. It wasn't like Korriban or Athiss or even Ziost. This world had not been a part of the ancient Empire wrought by Sadow or Ragnos. It had not been a conquest of Adas. It...
  18. Vrak Nashar

    From The Ashes

    Nathema [member="Yidhra"] They were close now, very close. Things had moved fast lately, faster than when he'd returned from Naboo. Part of it was due to necessity, another part was simply because he had no had resources to spare. A small smile crossed his lips as he slowly looked over expanse...
  19. Vrak Nashar

    That Which Was Forgotten

    Nathema [member="Yidhra"] The shuttle swooped low over the barren, lifeless waste of a world that was Nathema. Vrak watched out of the viewport in his meditation chamber, his eyes following the curve of the planet as they drew closer to the desert surface. His lips thinned slightly, the force...
  20. Vrak Nashar

    Those Like Us

    Athiss His homeworld was in turmoil. Civil War cut a swath across Athiss, infighting between families, the Council, everyone. It had all worked out so perfectly, he couldn't have asked for more. He and Neesa had killed Lord Baltha, and the empty position upon the Council had sparked a...
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