Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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yodas species

  1. Kell Nedrann


    YADHA FACTION: Independent RANK: Jedi Engineer (claimed) SPECIES: Yoda’s Species AGE: 180 GSY (roughly equivalent to being in her late teens) GENDER: Female HEIGHT: 0.69 Meters WEIGHT: 9.07 kg HAIR: Brown (Shaved) EYES: Yellowish-Green SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVITY: Yes HOME: Tython (Birth...
  2. Seuz


    Note: I know that Yoda's species is not mentioned and being that this information is non canon based upon canon if you meerly aren't happy with this, then please by all means say, I completely understand. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a home planet for Yoda's species (The...
  3. E


    EIRIN Social Information | Name | Eirin | Faction | The Order of the Silver Jedi | Rank | Jedi Master | Homeworld | Yoda's Planet | Living Situations | On Kashyyyk | Sexual Orientation | Unknown | Marital Status | Unmarried | Languages Known | Galactic Basic - Broken - Semi-Fluent -...
  4. Titan

    Tek'Alor(WIP) //Essential Information:// ​Name: Tek'alor Nickname(s): Tek, Tiny Titles: Shadow Knight Occupation: Roaming Do-gooder Faction(s): None Rank(s): None Force Sensitive: Yes Force Rank: Knight Force Alignment: True Neutral //Genetic Information:// Species: Yoda's Species
  5. E


    EIRIN "The true wills of the Force, peace and serenity are. " BASIC INFORMATION Name: Eirin Pronunciation: Ay-rin Age: 126 Rank: Jedi Knight Faction: The Silver Jedi / Force Alignment: Light Build: Light Species: Yoda's Species Homeworld: Yoda's Homeworld Height: 2'3 | 0.7m Weight: 2st...
  6. Yaadri Osi-Yyn


    P H A X --------------- FACTION: The Sith Order RANK: Sith Acolyte SPECIES: Unknown (Yoda's species) AGE: 16 SEX: Male FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes HEIGHT: 2'4" WEIGHT: 47kg --------------- RELATIONSHIPS: Mother - [member="Darth Valtryx"] --------------- STRENGTHS: + Being small, has it's...
  7. Matsu Ike


    NAME: Daizentzu FACTION: Order of The Silver Jedi RANK: Knight SPECIES: Yoda's Species AGE: 250 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 3' WEIGHT: 50 Pounds EYES: Dark Green HAIR: White SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
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