Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Scarlett Zann

    Work In Progress  Zann Fleet

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give an easily referenced Zann Consortium Asset Image Credit: X The fleet GIF and does not have a further trail to track the maker from there as the link is old and void. X Same thing with second image I cant find where it traces to. Permissions: Vault UC...
  2. Scarlett Zann

    Work In Progress  Zann Consortium Home Base

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a home base for the Zann Consortium and Scarlett Industries. Image Source: Uploaded by Markus P and found here Canon Link: X Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scarlett Industries Affiliation: Scarlett Zann...
  3. Scarlett Zann

    Zann Consortium Head Piece

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a standard helmet or head gear for Zann Consortium Members and Enforcers Image Source: Canon Link:
  4. Zann Consortium

    Zann Consortium

    The Zann Consortium will rise again. If you are a criminal looking for a purpose or a home, this is the place for you.
  5. Haley

    Character  Scarlett "Scar" Zann

    NAME: Scarlett "Scar" Zann AGE: 23 SPECIES: Human FACTION: Zann Consortium RANK: Crime Boss HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 115 lbs HAIR COLOR: White EYE COLOR: Sapphire STRENGTH: ██ DEXTERITY: ██████ STAMINA: ███████ INTELLIGENCE: ██████████ WISDOM: ██████████ CHARISMA: ███████ Force Sensitive...
  6. joriandrake

    Crusader-class corvette

    I ask the Factory GMs to help me specify the SWRP Chaos statistics for the vanilla Mandal Hypernautics Crusader-class corvette. I was told a standard corvette doesn't need approval at character creation, but I'm making my first character here and while I only want minor changes to the ship I...
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