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Ásbjörn Ólafsson

Ásbjörn Olafsson


The 'False Valkyri'
(dedicated to my lovely 'father' :3)


Social Information
  • Name: Ásbjörn Ólafsson
  • Alias: Björn
  • Titles: N/A
  • Homeworld: Midvinter
  • Living Situation: Tháinbroek
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Rank: Apprentice
  • Force Alignment: Ashlan
  • Voice Sample: N/A

Physical Information
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Races: Valkyri
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 17 GSY
  • Height: 1.79 metres
  • Weight: 71 kilograms
  • Eye Colour: Azure
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian


Personality - Björn is but a young person, yet he already knows a bit about life. In the militaristic society of Valkyri, he may seem a bit strange to an outsider as he has no want to train himself to meet the standards of the fellow people of his homeworld. Instead, he prefers to keep his mind fit. This doesn't mean, that he has something against warring. Because of his a bit weaker nature and being not as strong as other people as old as him, he has shown some interest in advancing himself as a Force-Sensitive.

Typically, he is calm, a bit cold-hearted at first, but near friends and relatives, he acts a bit weirdly. He is friendly and nice to the people who he already knows.



~Earliest History~

Björn was born on Midvinter to Olaf Eriksson and Elsa Hammondsdotter and was raised by them from the earlier stages of his life until today. He lived a life just like the culture of Valkyri demanded, even though today, Björn doesn't think it's quite a right way to live. His father was known for being part in many wars and he was ready to die whenever it happened, but his dream to become immortal and go to Beornskald, but he had not succeeded yet. His mother, however, was known for her occupation as an artisan. Both of them wanted their only son to become a great warrior and only some years ago they have come to understand, that their son doesn't want to do that. They tried to raise him with them, but as they understood, how much their personalities clashed and how their son is not a 'true Valkyri', they decided to just tell him, that he is free to go and start his own life somewhere. This action was frowned upon by the society, but they did not change their mind.

And now Björn is about to start living the way he thinks one should live.



Notable Force Powers
  • [Novice] Telekinesis
  • [Novice] Force Jump

Notable Skills
  • [Fluent] Runian - being a member of Valkyri species, Björn is fluent in the language of them, being better in it than she is in Galactic Basic Standard.
  • [Fluent] Galactic Basic Standard - for the obvious reasons, Björn is good at Galactic Basic Standard.

  • N/A
The style of this biography stolen from
inspired by the cousin of Maria,
@Darth Vornskr, and many other fantastic people.

Ásbjörn Olafsson

Thurion Heavenshield said:
[member="Ásbjörn Olafsson"] - Excellent choice of species, if I might say so myself! Valkyri, unite! :D
They're a cool species. :D

I hope I didn't mess up with anything, though. I didn't have much time to focus on the culture and history of them. :p
The only problems that I have is that I have so many characters. And three of them I have to play. Lol how about this, I promise that the next character that I make, it will be one of these guys.

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