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Approved Planet Éire

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  • Planet Name: Éire
  • Demonym: Éirlanns
  • Region: Outer Rim / Wild Space
  • System Name: Éire
  • System Features:
    • K1 V Main Orange Sequence Star (Sun)
    • Éire (1 Moon)
    • Éire II (1 Moon)
    • Éire Station (Orbits Éire)
    • Dál Riata (2 Moons)
    • 2 Rock Planets (2 Moons, total)
    • 4 Ice Planets (3 Moons, total)
    • Asteroid Belt; The Sidhe
  • Coordinates: ‘West’ by ‘Northwest’ of Dosuun, between G-20 and G-19.
  • Major Imports:
    • Starship Components
    • Medical Equipment
    • Weapons Technology
  • Major Exports:
    • Medicine / Herbalism (Poultices, Balms, Salves, etc )
    • Root Vegetables (Carrots, Potatoes, Parsnip, Turnip, Rutabaga, Garlic, Onions)
    • Livestock (Cattle, Banthas, Ronthos, Horses, Endorian Chickens, Nabooian Ducks, Endorian Sheep, Goats)
    • Grain (Barley, Wheat, Quinto, Phraig, Malt, Hops, Burrmillet, Wild Rice)
    • Raw Materials (Logging, Cloth, Ore: Pastillion | Tydirium | Aurodium | Lommite | Iron | Hematite | Magnetite )
  • Unexploited Resources: With its rich history and forgotten technological advancements from its settlers' ancient times, Eire might contain buried or hidden artifacts, relics, or technological remnants that could hold cultural, historical, or scientific value.
  • Gravity: Standard [Earth-like]
  • Climate: Temperate, average temperature between -5 and 29 Celsius.
  • Primary Terrain: Mountainous
  • Atmosphere: Type I [Breathable]
  • Major Locations:
    • Danu: The political capital and economic hub of the planet, takes its name from the Great Mother Goddess, who is believed to have breathed life into the planet. The city is divided into various unique tuathas, or districts, each with its distinct characteristics and purposes. For example, the Blackwater Tuatha is renowned for its expertly crafted swords and other metalwork, while the Derry Tuatha is famous for its vast orchards of fruit trees. Other notable tuathas include the Antrim Tuatha, known for its vast libraries and universities, the Oireachtas Tuatha, which serves as the center for the government, and the Fingal Tuatha, which has a thriving entertainment district. The Laois Tuatha is a particularly beautiful district with breathtaking rolling hills, lush forests, and beautiful rivers.
    • Mabinogi: Tucked away on the rolling hills and verdant valleys of the planet lies. The City of Mabinogi is a bustling center of trade and commerce, and is split into four unique and diverse districts, each with its own distinct character and purpose. Pwyll Dyfed is known for its bustling markets and artisanal crafts, while Branwen Llŷr is a hub of education and learning, with several prestigious academies and libraries located in the district. Manawydan Llŷr, on the other hand, is the heart of the city's fishing and maritime industry, with the bustling harbor serving as the gateway to the planet's vast oceans. Lastly, Math Mathonwy is the agricultural heartland of the city, with sprawling fields and orchards producing some of the finest produce in the galaxy. The people of The Mabinogi are fiercely proud of their cultural heritage and traditions, and take great care to preserve and celebrate them.
    • Chulainn: A city of great military significance and serves as a hub for training and the production of weapons and armor. The sound of clanging metal can be heard throughout the day as the city's expert blacksmiths ply their trade. Nestled between the Finn and Fianna rivers, Chulainn draws its strength from these two waterways. The Finn flows calmly, while the Fianna is believed to have purifying properties that wash away dirt and impurities. Surrounding the city gates are encampments, where warriors hone their skills in the art of war. The city's most notable feature is its towering fortress, which looms over the surrounding area and gives the impression of a capital city.
    • Lyonesse: Nestled on the coastline of Éire, this picturesque city draws in visitors from across the planet with its stunning views of the Corrib Bay and the Irlanda Sea. The city is renowned for its skilled shipwrights who have honed their craft over generations, producing some of the most beautiful wooden vessels in the galaxy. Walking through Lyonesse, one can admire the intricate woodwork that adorns the buildings and the boats that line the harbor. The town is also a hub for the fishing industry, with local fishermen venturing out into the waters each day to bring in their catch. As one explores the city, they will discover a vibrant arts and music scene, with street performers entertaining the crowds and local artists showcasing their work in galleries and exhibitions. Lyonesse is a charming and welcoming city, a true testament to the enduring spirit of the people who call it home.
    • Ellan Vannin: Eirean Isles. The isles are known for their rugged, windswept terrain and breathtaking coastline, with towering sea cliffs and hidden coves waiting to be discovered. The people of Ellan Vannin are proud of their rich heritage and have preserved many of their ancient customs and traditions. The main port town of Mon is a bustling hub of activity, with colorful fishing boats bobbing in the harbor and a lively market selling fresh seafood and local crafts. Throughout the isles, visitors can explore the ruins of ancient castles and forts, hike along scenic trails, or simply relax on the sandy beaches and watch the waves roll in. The people of Ellan Vannin are warm and welcoming, and visitors are always greeted with a smile and a hearty "Failt Erriu" (welcome).
    • Gaillimh: The Éirish have created this city and it is where they place their unwanted people, whether those are the migrants who continue to come to Éire, or the outcasts of Éirish society. Gaillimh is considered by most who settle here as the Gate to the Éirish if you can make it in Gaillimh you can make it anywhere on the planet. Gaillimh evolved from the huddled masses and the yearning poor into perhaps one of the most technologically advanced and diverse places on the planet. Gaillimh has grown so much so that it now encompasses several islands. Each island represents a great tuatha with population sizes that many within Galway consider them to be their own cities. The region is rumored to be considering a breakaway from the old Éirish to form its own nation; the Republic of Gaillimh
    • Insular Regions: the regions of Antrim, Oireachtas, Fingal, and Laois are more traditional and insular, each with its own distinct customs and beliefs. Antrim is known for its rolling hills and fertile farmland, and is home to many skilled artisans and craftspeople. Oireachtas is a wild and rugged land of mountains and forests, where the druidic traditions are still strong and the spirits of nature hold sway. Fingal is a coastal region with many small fishing villages, where the Éirlanns have a deep connection to the sea and its creatures. Finally, Laois is a land of rolling plains and ancient ruins, where the past is never far from the present.
    • Céad: Céad, originally deemed inhospitable and located within what the Éirlanns considered the Wastelands on Eire, underwent a transformative process with the arrival of the First Order in 848 ABY. Prior to their arrival, Céad was plagued by persistent droughts and harsh environmental conditions that made it difficult for vegetation to thrive. However, the First Order saw potential in this rugged landscape and undertook ambitious projects to harness its strategic and industrial advantages.

      Under the administration of the First Order, Céad became a bastion of Imperial influence, marked by efficient organization and a structured mindset reflective of Imperial governance principles. Industrial complexes, mining operations, and logistical hubs were established, bringing technological advancements and galactic standards to the region. Despite these developments, remnants of Céad's natural challenges and barren landscapes persist, serving as a stark contrast to the lush surroundings found elsewhere on Eire.

      Despite its Imperial-heavy organization, Céad also embodies an ethos of inclusivity and openness. The First Order's presence has fostered a diverse community of inhabitants, including both native Éirlanns and immigrants from various galactic backgrounds. This inclusivity is manifest in cultural exchanges, trade partnerships, and cooperative efforts aimed at integrating Céad into the broader galactic economy and political landscape.

      Céad stands as a testament to the adaptive capabilities of both its inhabitants and the governing forces that seek to balance progress with preservation on Eire. As the region continues to evolve, the tension between its Imperial heritage and the cultural identity of its inhabitants shapes its role within the Dosuunian Commonwealth and its approach to galactic affairs.
      • Tlachtga, known in ancient times as the Wastelands, is a region on Eire that underwent significant transformation following the First Order's arrival. Situated on the outskirts of the culturally rich city of Teamhair (formerly Tara), Tlachtga was initially perceived by the Éirlanns as a desolate and barren area, distant from their core settlements. When the First Order established a presence there in 848 ABY, they undertook ambitious projects to develop and industrialize the region.

        Under the direction of the First Order, Tlachtga saw the construction of sprawling industrial complexes, mining operations, and infrastructure designed to support military and administrative functions. Efforts were made to harness local resources while integrating modern technologies into the landscape, reshaping it from wilderness into a hub of activity and strategic importance. Despite these developments, remnants of the region's natural beauty and ancient landmarks, including sacred sites, still endure, serving as a reminder of Eire's rich cultural heritage amidst galactic influences.

        Tlachtga stands as a testament to the impact of external powers on Eire's environment and society, where the balance between progress and preservation continues to shape its future within the broader galactic community.
  • Native Species: Éirlanns (Near-Humans)
  • Immigrated Species:
    • Humans (Nabooian, Galidraani, Atrisians, Seoularians, Coruscanti, Corellians, Dantooians)
    • Twi’leks, Togrutans
    • Chiss, Pantorans, Keshiri
    • Selonians, Dralls, Cathars
    • Near-Humans (Kiffar, Arkanian, Echani)
    • Mandalorians (See: The Gallóglaigh)
    • Felacatians, Epicanthix (Most Recent)
  • Population: Moderately Populated.
  • Demographics: Eire boasts a moderately populated society that reflects its diverse cultural and species mix. The native population primarily consists of Éirlanns, a near-human species with distinctive physiological traits such as two hearts, three lungs, and enhanced bone and muscle density. These indigenous inhabitants form the cultural and spiritual backbone of Eire, deeply rooted in ancient traditions of druidism and natural reverence.
  • Primary Languages: Éirish, Kernowyn (Cornish), Gymraeg (Welsh), Gàidhlig (Scottish)
  • Culture: The culture of Eire, deeply rooted in the ancient Celtic and druidic traditions of their homeworld, places great emphasis on the natural world and the cycles of life and death. Festivals and celebrations are common, often featuring traditional music, dance, and folklore that reflect their reverence for nature and community. Music, dance, and storytelling are highly valued forms of artistic expression, with intricate knotwork designs and colorful clothing and jewelry adorning their festivals.

    They place great emphasis on the natural world and the cycles of life and death. Many of their traditions and beliefs center around the four seasons and the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The druids and shamans of their society hold a great deal of respect and authority, as they are seen as the guardians and interpreters of the natural world.

    Their religion is polytheistic, with many gods and goddesses who are associated with different aspects of nature and human life. The Éirlanns also place a great deal of importance on ancestors and the spirits of the dead, believing that they have a continued presence in the world and can be called upon for guidance and protection.

    Music, dance, and storytelling are also highly valued in their culture, with many festivals and celebrations centered around these forms of artistic expression. The Éirlanns are known for their intricate knotwork designs and love of intricate, colorful clothing and jewelry.

    Their society is largely egalitarian, with men and women sharing many of the same roles and responsibilities. Leadership is often determined by merit and skill, rather than gender or birthright. The Éirlanns have a strong sense of community and a deep respect for the natural world, which is reflected in all aspects of their culture.
  • Religion and Spiritual Practices: The primary spiritual practice on Eire is druidism, a nature-based belief system that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things and the reverence of nature's elements—earth, air, fire, and water. The Éirlanns are polytheistic, worshiping many gods and goddesses associated with different aspects of nature and human life. Druids and shamans hold significant authority as guardians and interpreters of the natural world, conducting rituals and communing with spirits for guidance and protection. Many inhabitants are Force-sensitive, integrating the Force into their druidic practices as a natural extension of their spiritual beliefs.

  • Government: Parliamentary Democracy
  • Affiliation: Independent | Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations
  • Wealth: Medium - Eire's economy is diverse, with a strong focus on agriculture, fishing, and artisanal crafts. The planet is known for its high-quality produce, including grains, vegetables, and dairy products. Fishing is a significant industry, with coastal communities relying on the bountiful seas. In addition, Eire has a thriving tourism sector, attracting visitors with its natural beauty, cultural festivals, and historical sites.
  • Stability: Medium - Eire maintains a stable societal structure rooted in its deep cultural traditions and the governance provided by the Dosuunian Commonwealth. While occasional tensions arise, particularly in relation to external influences like the Sith Empire and past encounters with the First Order, the Éirlanns prioritize internal harmony and community cohesion.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Eire embodies a unique blend of freedom and governance within the Dosuunian Commonwealth. There is no dictatorial ruler; instead, leadership is decentralized and merit-based, reflecting Éirlann values of equality and communal decision-making. Fear of oppressive ruling bodies is minimal, as governance is founded on principles of inclusivity and respect for individual rights.

    The atmosphere on Eire is generally relaxed and open, fostering an environment where cultural diversity and personal expression are celebrated. While there are regulations to protect natural resources and preserve cultural heritage, there are few prohibitions on personal beliefs or practices, allowing for a wide range of lifestyles and traditions to flourish.

    Unusual or controversial practices are typically addressed through community dialogue and consensus-building, ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will rather than imposed restrictions. This approach maintains Eire's reputation as a welcoming and progressive society as they look to potentially join the Dosuunian Commonwealth, navigating the balance between tradition and adaptation in the ever-changing galaxy.


  • Military:
    • Territorial Militia: Eire's Territorial Militia is a well-trained, volunteer force primarily responsible for maintaining peace and security within the planet. Comprised of local citizens, the militia is deeply integrated into the communities it serves, ensuring a strong sense of duty and commitment among its members. The militia is equipped with standard-issue blasters and light armor, suitable for quick mobilization and response to internal threats or emergencies. They are also trained in traditional combat techniques and the use of natural elements, reflecting Eire's druidic heritage.
    • Planetary Army: The Planetary Army of Eire is a professional military force that serves as the primary defense against external threats. It is well-organized and equipped with advanced weaponry and vehicles provided by the Dosuunian Commonwealth. The army includes infantry, armored divisions, and specialized units trained in guerrilla warfare and environmental combat, leveraging the planet's diverse terrain. The Planetary Army also incorporates Force-sensitive units, including druids who use their abilities to enhance the army's capabilities in healing, reconnaissance, and natural manipulation.
    • System Navy: Eire's System Navy operates within the planetary system, ensuring the security of space lanes and protecting against space-borne threats. The navy consists of a fleet of frigates, corvettes, and patrol ships, all equipped with advanced navigation and combat systems. The System Navy works closely with the Dosuunian Commonwealth's larger naval forces, providing support and coordination in joint operations. They also maintain a network of orbital defense platforms and monitoring stations to detect and respond to potential incursions swiftly.
    • Mercenaries and Elite Forces:
      • Gallóglaigh: They arrived just after the end of the four hundred years of darkness, they were wanderers mostly. Taller than most of the Éirlanns, and certainly more brutish in their looks and style. Most if not all of the Gallóglaigh did not possess high magic (the Force). Instead, they seemed to be most proficient in the older and more antiquated ways of war. They were also excellent blacksmiths making them quite valuable to many parts of Éire. The Gallóglaigh were also the go-to mercenary forces for the planet. Serving either coin or people, their loyalties rested with their values and beliefs. Most of the Gallóglaigh are broken up into clans and families and live a nomadic lifestyle and are usually contacted via messenger.
    • Force Users: While the outside galaxy views the Force as it is, and sees it as the light and the dark, the Éirish believe this to be magic, and they believe that everyone is born with this magic but that some are more naturally gifted than others. No different than someone being a naturally gifted musician, fighter, or what have you. They believe very strongly that you must have balance; there cannot be good without evil, and vice versa. One must appreciate both, and to attempt a complete elimination of good or evil is giving into Chaos. For with balance, there is order; without it, there is chaos.
      • Priests: Devoted to the Dagda, a pantheon of gods and goddesses, they are the religious leaders of their tuathas, counties, and provinces. While the Dagda may be the most prominent religion on Éire, all priests may not represent them. There are a number of smaller cults, religions, and followings, each of which has their priests. Some prefer to stay within a temple and minister from there, while others wander the lands, ministering as they go. Priests often possess strong healing abilities, and are skilled in rituals and blessings, drawing power from their divine connections to the Dagda or other deities they serve.
      • Druids: Druids are the guardians of nature, deeply attuned to the natural world and its cycles. They possess the ability to manipulate the elements, control plant life, and communicate with animals. Druids on Eire use their powers to maintain the balance between civilization and nature, often acting as mediators between the two. They are skilled healers and protectors, using their magic to support their communities and safeguard the environment.
      • Shamans: Shamans serve as the bridge between the physical world and the spirit world. They have the ability to communicate with spirits and ancestors, seeking their guidance and wisdom. Shamans perform rituals to honor these spirits, and can summon spirit allies to aid them in various tasks. They are often consulted for their prophetic insights and their ability to perform exorcisms or other spiritual cleansings.
      • Sorcerers: Sorcerers are individuals with an innate connection to the magical energies of Eire. Unlike priests who draw power from deities, sorcerers' magic is inherent and often wild. They are capable of casting powerful spells and manipulating raw magical energy. Sorcerers are known for their versatility and potency in combat, able to unleash destructive forces or enchantments with ease. Their magic is often seen as both a gift and a curse, requiring careful control to avoid chaos.
      • Bards: Bards are the keepers of Éirish history, culture, and lore, using their talents in music, poetry, and storytelling to inspire and entertain. Their magic is woven into their art, allowing them to cast spells through their performances. Bards can charm, heal, and bolster the spirits of those around them, making them invaluable in both social and combat situations. Their knowledge of ancient songs and tales often provides insights into forgotten magic and hidden truths.
      • Monks: Monks among the Force Dead are disciplined warriors, mastering unarmed combat and utilizing their bodies as weapons. They focus on inner strength and self-perfection, achieving extraordinary feats of agility and endurance. Monks are respected for their stoic resolve and their ability to uphold martial traditions despite their lack of magical abilities.
        • Force Dead: Force Dead are individuals who are completely cut off from the Force, either by birth or through a traumatic event. They lack the ability to tap into magical energies but compensate through rigorous physical and mental training.
      • Companions: Companions are skilled fighters who often accompany Force-sensitive individuals on their journeys. They are trained in various forms of martial combat, wielding conventional weapons with proficiency. Companions provide protection and support to their Force-sensitive allies, ensuring their safety in dangerous situations. While they lack magical abilities themselves, they compensate with tactical acumen and combat prowess. Companions are loyal allies and valued members of adventuring parties, complementing the abilities of Force users with their martial skills.
      • Inquisitors: Inquisitors are tasked with maintaining the balance and order of magic on Eire. They hunt down those who misuse their powers or disrupt the natural harmony. Skilled in both combat and investigative techniques, Inquisitors are formidable opponents. They possess a keen understanding of the different types of magic and are trained to counteract and neutralize rogue sorcerers, dark druids, and other magical threats. Their role is crucial in preventing chaos and ensuring that the balance between good and evil is maintained.
      • Warlocks: Warlocks on Eire are individuals who have entered into dark pacts with malevolent entities or ancient powers. Unlike priests who draw power from benevolent deities, Warlocks derive their magic from forbidden sources. Their abilities are granted through these pacts, granting them access to dark spells and eldritch invocations. Warlocks often wield their magic with a sense of pragmatism and ambition, using their powers to achieve personal goals or enact vengeance. Their pact-bound magic carries risks and consequences, often leading to moral dilemmas and internal conflicts.
  • Technology: Eire, initially in a feudal era when first encountered by the First Order forty years ago, has since integrated modern technology into their society. While maintaining deep-rooted traditions and cultural practices, the Éirlanns have embraced select advancements from the broader galactic community. Their technological progression focuses primarily on enhancing communication, transportation, and infrastructure while preserving their environmental and cultural ethos. They employ repulsorlift technology for land-based transport, utilize sustainable energy sources for power, and have adapted some medical and communication technologies to improve quality of life without compromising their connection to nature and traditional values. Eire's approach to technology reflects a balanced integration of modern conveniences with a commitment to preserving their unique cultural heritage and natural environment.


Early History and Isolation:

Eire was settled millennia ago during the High Republic era by humans who had journeyed from various parts of the galaxy. These wayward settlers eventually evolved into the near-human Éirlanns, distinguished by their unique physiology—possessing two hearts, three lungs, three livers, four kidneys, and two stomachs, which endowed them with greater physical resilience and strength compared to standard humans. Outwardly appearing human-like, they varied in height and weight like their ancestors.

The early settlers on Eire developed their society and culture based on ancient writings and traditions, believed to have originated from the planet's original inhabitants. Isolated from the broader galaxy and its technological advancements, Eire remained undisturbed for centuries, allowing its inhabitants to flourish culturally and spiritually. Over time, they gradually forgot the advanced technologies their ancestors had brought with them, which remained buried and unutilized.

Encounter with the First Order:

Eire's peaceful isolation was disrupted in 848 ABY with the arrival of the First Order. The First Order's appearance on Eire, seeking strategic locations and resources, caused a significant divide within the Éirlann community. Initially hesitant and wary, the Éirlanns reluctantly agreed to allow the First Order a presence in what became known as the wasteland—a designated area where the First Order settled.

During the First Order's occupation, tensions simmered as the Éirlanns struggled to reconcile their traditional values with the realities imposed by external forces. The presence of the First Order brought technological advancements and galactic influences back into Éire, sparking debates and cultural shifts among its inhabitants.

Post-First Order Era:

Following the fall of the First Order, Eire began a period of introspection and reconciliation. Many Éirlanns sought to rebuild their society and heal the divisions caused by external interference. When the First Order resurged, attempting to reassert control over Eire, the Éirlanns decisively rejected them. Observing the progress and stability of the Dosuunian Commonwealth, which encompassed nearby systems, the Éirlanns cautiously considered their place within this young galactic nation.

However, recent announcements of the Dosuunian Commonwealth's alignment with the Sith Empire have stirred apprehension and skepticism among the Éirlanns. Despite their desire to reconnect with the broader galaxy and benefit from technological advancements, they remain hesitant to fully commit, wary of repeating past mistakes and compromising their cultural independence.
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