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Approved NPC Órla Eibhlin Raaf

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Órla Eibhlin Fortan-Raaf

  • Intent: To create the mother for my character Kai, and the estranged wife of Iaacen.
  • Image Credit: Midjourney
  • Role: Mother to Kaivaan Kaivaan , Vikar and Aleya, wife to Iaacen, a druid of Eire.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Iaacen Raaf
  • Age: Early 40s
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Órla is a petite woman with a graceful, delicate frame. She has long, wavy hair that cascades down her back, often left loose or adorned with simple, natural ornaments. Her most striking feature is her jade-green eyes, which seem to sparkle with an inner light. A small beauty mark next to her nose adds a touch of uniqueness to her visage. Despite her age, she maintains a youthful appearance, with smooth skin and a serene expression. Órla typically wears flowing, earth-toned garments made from natural fibers, reflecting her connection to nature and her druidic practices.
  • Name: Órla Eibhlin Mhic Cana | Órla Fortan-Raaf
  • Loyalties: Eire, Iaacen, Kaivaan Kaivaan | The Commonwealth
  • Wealth: She is moderately wealthy. Her wealth primarily comes from her own earnings on her homeworld, Danu, Eire. In addition to this, she continues to receive financial support from her estranged husband, Iaacen Fortan-Raaf. She is not known to be a stakeholder in any existing corporations.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • A collection of ancient druidic artifacts passed down through her family, significant for their historical and spiritual value.
    • A handwoven cloak with intricate designs representing her heritage and connection to druidism.
    • A modest but beautifully designed home on Danu, Eire, which serves as both her residence and a place of spiritual practice.
  • Skills:
    • Druidism: She is a skilled practitioner of druidism, using her knowledge of nature and the Force to heal and protect.
    • Herbalism: Expert in identifying and using medicinal plants for healing purposes.
    • Artistry: She is talented in crafting intricate jewelry and garments inspired by her cultural heritage.
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes, Knight | She has a natural affinity for the Force, which she channels through her druidic practices.
  • Languages: She speaks Basic fluently and has knowledge of ancient languages related to druidic texts. Speaks, all Éirish languages fluently as well.*
  • Personality:
    • She is serene and composed, with a deep connection to nature and the spiritual world. Her mannerisms reflect her druidic training, often calm and measured. Despite her estrangement from Iaacen, she remains compassionate and understanding, valuing harmony and balance in her relationships. She can be reserved but is fiercely protective of those she cares about. Her love for her homeland and heritage is evident in her daily life and practices.
  • Weapon of Choice: Órla's primary weapon is the Force, which she channels through her druidic abilities. She also carries a wooden staff adorned with carved runes and symbols, which she uses both as a walking aid and as a conduit for her Force abilities.
  • Combat Function: In combat, Órla would focus on support and defensive roles rather than direct confrontation. Her abilities in druidism and the Force allow her to heal and protect allies, using her knowledge of nature to create barriers and provide tactical advantages. She is not suited for frontline combat but can offer significant support by enhancing her team's resilience and mitigating damage. While not a liability, she requires protection from more combat-capable allies to be effective in her role.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only):
    • Healing: Órla can use the Force to mend wounds and soothe pain, drawing on her deep connection to nature.
    • Force Barrier: She can create protective shields to guard herself and her allies from harm.
    • Force Empathy: Her sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others allows her to sense disturbances and provide comfort.
    • Plant Surge: She can accelerate the growth of plants, using them to entangle foes or create barriers.
    • Animal Bond: Órla has a natural affinity with animals, often calling upon them for assistance or guidance in times of need.
  • Force Healer: Órla is highly skilled in using the Force to heal injuries and soothe pain, making her an invaluable support character in both peaceful and combative situations.
  • Druidic Wisdom: Her deep understanding of druidic traditions and nature-based practices allows her to provide spiritual guidance and insight, fostering harmony and balance within her community.
  • Combat Vulnerability: Órla is not suited for direct combat, making her vulnerable in situations where she does not have protection from more combat-capable allies.
  • Emotional Sensitivity: Her heightened empathy and sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others can sometimes overwhelm her, making it difficult for her to maintain her own emotional balance
Órla was born and raised on the picturesque planet of Danu, Eire, in a family deeply rooted in druidic traditions. Her mother’s lineage from Skye and her father’s heritage from Eire provided her with a rich cultural background that shaped her upbringing. From a young age, Órla exhibited a strong connection to the Force, which she naturally integrated into her druidic practices.

Órla's early life was spent learning the ancient ways of the druids, guided by her family and the elders of her community. Her innate ability to heal and her deep empathy made her a beloved figure among her people. Despite her serene demeanor, Órla's life took a turn when she met and married Iaacen Fortan-Raaf. Together, they had three children: Kaivaan, and twins Vikar and Aleya, born close in age with roughly 11 months between them. Órla and Iaacen were very young when they became parents, adding both joy and challenges to their lives.

As Iaacen's ambitions grew, particularly his desire to become the best pilot and one day run the Starfighter Corps, the strain on their marriage intensified. The demands of Iaacen's career often left Órla to manage their household and children alone, furthering the emotional distance between them. Despite these challenges, Órla remained dedicated to her druidic practices and her role as a mother, finding strength in her connection to nature and the Force.

Órla's modest wealth and the financial support from Iaacen allowed her to provide a stable and nurturing environment for their children. She continued to focus on her spiritual and healing duties, using her abilities to aid her community and maintain the natural balance of her homeworld. Throughout her life, Órla has remained a steadfast figure in her community, respected for her wisdom and compassion, and has worked to ensure that her children are raised with an appreciation for their cultural heritage and the importance of balance and harmony.

Edit log: updated Orla to Órla, the fada is very important. 07/07/24
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