Sargon Vynea
Spencer's guard unicorn
The titles says it all, looking for fighters in a one million credit winner takes all tournament. Iron Crown has been generous enough to become the GCC's first sponsor and offer up the prize money, thank you Iron Crown. This tournament will follow veteran rules so combat cannot come to death, or dismemberment. A broken bone or good wound beyond that though is quite possible. Anyone wishing to take part please reply here, and depending on the interest level the matches will be set up shortly with any luck. If there are any further questions feel free to PM or leave them here. The The arena will be randomized out of the following options by a roll of the all powerful D20. 1: Hand to hand only, Myrkr
2: Unstable terrain, Iridonia
3: Mud pit, Iridonia
4: Half gravity, Phu
5: Sponsor's choice, Phu
6: Double Graviy, Phu
7: Starts hand to hand but weapons distributed at random, Iridonia
8: Triple Weighted weapons, Iridonia
9: Ten foot circle ring over pit, Phu
10: Random attacks by training remotes set to maximum power, Myrkr
11: Submerged fight, Phu
12: Long weapons only (staff, spear, polearm, whip), Iridonia
13: Sponsor's choice on weapons, Myrkr
14: Short weapons only (blackjack, knife), Iridonia
15: Zero gravity combat, above Phu
16: Spinning corridor around walkway, Phu
17: Hand to Hand, Iridonia
18: Mirrored maze arena, Myrkr
19: One armed combat, Iridonia
20: Two foot wide walkway over pit, Myrkr
Edit: Side note, I'm looking to see how many people would be interested in a novice combat writer only tournament, no death, or dismemberment for the purpose of experimentation/workshop feel almost. We all know how nerve racking it can be the first time you're writing a fight scene.. more so against a pro who you're just praying won't slaughter the character you love immediately. So if you're interesting a more low key tournament for the purpose of practice and feedback please let me know as well. There may not be a need here given the invasions etc, but I figured it's worth a shot to see if anyone would be interested. Thank you