Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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1 Week Holiday to Japan

So yeah, tomorrow I fly to Japan and will be gone till next thursday.
It's highly unlikely there will be any posts from me, although I'll probably stick some replies on if I get wifi.
See you in just over a week!

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Valtryx"] Have a wonderful trip!

I know we've not RPd but I had to say something as last night I was engaging in dangerous missions across Paris with your alt in 'AC: Unity'. Love the character. :)
I travelled to japan for a month long time ago. Amazing and strange place. There are some neat places if you have the time to walk off the well-travelled path and discover them!~

Have fun!
Have fun in Japan. I just hosted some Japanese students a few weeks ago at my school and they were very polite AND DIDN'T SPEAK A WORD OF ENGLISH good luck trying to communicate in English if you don't know how to say something in Japanese :p

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